Chapter 48

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I sat on the floor of the shower stall, naked. The hot water was hitting my body, making it burn, but its intensity was still less than what I was experiencing within. My whole body was burning from the inside. The pain was so intense that everything else looked insignificant compared to it.

Who would have thought love would deliver me directly into a hell I was destined to burn in forever? I looked at my body. The imprints of his hand on my thighs were still fresh. I knew they would turn into blue and purple bruises, soon adding to the existing bruises on my thighs. The soreness between my legs was unbearable, as always.

Everyone says love changes your life, and I believed them, but I didn't know it would change my life for the worst. I had never imagined loving someone would become the biggest regret of my life. When did everything go wrong? How did I end up here?

I always had been the favorite child of my parents. The apple of their eyes, and now I was nothing more than a disgrace to them. I couldn't forget the disappointment in the eyes of Abi whenever they settled on me. Would everything ever go back to as it was before?

I got startled when the bathroom door opened, and someone entered it. My eyes fell on the feet of the person covered in black Testoni shoes, and a shiver of dread went down my spine. I watched as he approached the shower stall, holding my breath, praying he would leave me alone at the moment. He turned off the shower, and my eyes traveled up from his shoes to his face. A face capable of bringing women down to their knees.


Only I knew the monster that resided behind that face. It was a facade to fool others into believing that the man with such a beautiful face possessed a heart of gold. The truth was far from it. His heart was blacker than coal. There was nothing about him that would make him a human. Dawood was a monster through and through, and I was his possession.

A plaything that he used as he pleased when he pleased and discarded when he was done until the next time when he felt the need to use me again. Dawood stared down at me, his smoldering gaze boring into my eyes and looking into my soul.

"If you are planning to kill yourself, then let me remind you of one thing. I won't let you die, not until I am done with you. I have just started," Dawood said, his voice laced with hatred.

I looked back into his eyes blankly. He had broken me to the extent that I couldn't come up with a comeback to his words. It felt like another life when I might have given a fitting reply to him.

Dawood dragged me out of the stall holding my wrist and not caring if anything hit me. I pushed myself up to my feet. My legs ached from sitting in the same position for hours. He pulled out a towel from the rack and started wiping off the water droplets from my body.

I winced in pain as the fabric came in contact with my scorched skin. Dawood rubbed the towel roughly on the scalds that covered my body, not caring about my pain. Then he slipped a bathrobe over my body and pulled me out of the bathroom and into the bedroom. He nearly threw me on the couch and stood in front of me.

"Eat," Dawood pointed to the table covered with food containers.

I didn't make a sound and just sat staring at the food. My stomach churned at the sight of food. I hadn't eaten anything in the last two days, and I felt nauseous even looking at it.

"I won't repeat myself. Eat," he growled.

I didn't even have the strength to pick up the plate and place food in it from the containers. I was utterly exhausted and broken. All I wanted was to die to get out of this hell.

The hell which I had brought upon myself by my foolishness. For what?


I had done everything for love, not realizing that I was pushing myself towards an inferno that would engulf me whole, and I would have nothing left.

Dawood stood glaring at me, waiting for me to carry out his command, and I would have if I had not been exhausted to the extent that I was feeling dizzy.

"If this is what you want," he pulled me up to my feet, grabbed my arm, and dragged me towards the bed.

My feet hit the leg of the coffee table, and a muffled cry left my mouth, which I tried hard to control because I knew how much it annoyed him—the next moment, I was being tossed on the bed mercilessly. I bounced on the mattress from the impact of the fall and watched in horror as he discarded his shirt and trouser.

"Pl...le..ase," my lips trembled, but no voice came out.

My whole body was trembling with dread from what was about to follow. His features had hardened, eyes burnt with fury, and I realized I had awakened the beast again.

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