Chapter 22

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I don't remember when I fell asleep but the next time I woke up it was morning. Dawood was still asleep and I thought it would be the best time to speak to Abi regarding his behavior. At least Abi should know what kind of man Dawood was. He held him in such high regard that he had not even considered anyone from his own family as a choice of husband for me. 

I showered and changed into a simple dove-colored dress with a white collar and belt, around the waist. Not a perfect choice for a newlywed bride but it would have to do. It was not like I was blissfully happy in my marriage to flaunt it to the world. 

Abi would be in his office right now, and this was the best shot I had to speak to him. The armed guard standing outside his office gave me a questioning glance. 

"I would like to speak to, His Majesty."

The guard nodded at me then knocked and entered Abi's office announcing my arrival. I entered the office after he stepped aside and made way for me to walk in, then he took backward steps and left the room, shutting the door.

"Assalam Alaykum," I greeted Abi who was seated behind his desk.

His desk was placed in front of the wall across the door. There was no window in the wall behind his desk for security reasons. The windows were present in the adjoining wall to the door for light and ventilation. 

"Walekum Assalam, what brought you here so early in the morning?" Abi inquired regarding me intently. 

I took a few quick steps towards his desk and halted when I was in the middle of his office, "I need to discuss a few things about Dawood."

Abi arched his brow in question but his expression didn't change a bit. I was picking words in my mind to tell Abi about his behavior last night without feeling embarrassed but it was kind of difficult. 

"What do you want to say, Emma?" Abi questioned getting weary of my silence. 

"Abi, I feel Dawood isn't happy with this marriage, and his behavior isn't anything like it should be towards his wife," I knew I was treading dangerous waters. 

"What gave you that impression, Emma?" 

"His behavior last night was not very gentlemanly," I gulped the lump that formed in my throat. 

Abi's eyes darkened a bit and his jaw clenched, "Did he misbehave with you in any way?" His voice came out hoarse, a sign he was furious. 

I nodded in reply, there was no way I could have described the details to Abi and I didn't think there was any need. From what I saw on his face, Abi understood what I was trying to tell him. I sighed hoping he would handle this himself and I won't have to go through the humiliation at the hands of Dawood again. 

"Take a seat, Emma," Abi instructed and then pressed the bell. 

The guard standing outside entered the room immediately. 

"Call for Dawood Ordimez, I want to see him immediately," he ordered the guard. 

"Abi, can I leave?" I asked, I was not in a mood to face Dawood at the moment. 

"You will stay," Abi dismissed my plea to leave and I took a deep breath and prepared myself to face my husband. 


I woke up to an empty bedroom, though I remembered that she slept on the couch last night. Daddy's Princess was nowhere to be found. She was sleeping on the couch when I woke up from a nightmare, then where could she be? It hadn't surprised me at all, the way I behaved with her it was pretty obvious she would want to stay as far away from me as possible, and that was what I preferred. 

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