Chapter 46

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There was a seminar at the law school. I woke up early and got ready, then called Dawood on my way to the law school. His cell was switched off, which meant he might be sleeping, given the time difference. I disconnected the call and placed my cell back in my handbag. I knew he would call me when he woke up, like every day.

I was on my way to the Areeda hall, where the seminar was arranged, when I bumped into someone while I turned the corner. I lost my balance and was about to fall when two arms steadied me holding my shoulders.

"Careful, Princess."

My eyes shot up at the familiar voice of the man holding me. I could recognize that voice even in a million. Brown eyes met mine as I stared in shock at him, who smiled at me.


I tried to believe that I was not dreaming and that Hamza was holding me. What was he doing here? Why did Hamza come to Boston?

"I expected a warmer welcome," he taunted when I kept staring at him with my mouth agape.

Why did Hamza come here? Why now? When I was finally moving on and trying to accept my marriage to Dawood.

"What are you doing here?" I brushed aside his hands from my shoulder and took a step back.

"I wanted to meet you," he replied.


"There is something I want to talk to you about. Can we go somewhere and talk?" He asked.

My mind went blank. Hamza was the last person that I expected to run in, and that too at my law school. Seeing him after all that time shocked me, and I was not sure how to react to it. I loved hamza in the past. There was no doubt about it that I had wanted to get married to him. But everything was different after I married Dawood. My heart had changed over, and my feelings shifted. I no longer felt what I used to think for Hamza.

Hamza was still the charming self. His carefree aura and the warmth his eyes held for me were tugging at my heart.


I can't.

I was married to Dawood. I shouldn't think about anyone else. Hamza was my past, and I needed to forget him.

"You need to leave Hamza. I have a seminar starting in a few minutes," I tried to get hold of my chaotic mind and told him in a calm voice.

"We need to talk, Emma," Hamza took a step in my direction and lifted his hands to hold me again, but I took a step back.

I couldn't do it.

Meeting Hamza brought back all the memories from the past that I had pushed at the back of my mind. Somewhere so deep that I never looked into it.

"You love Dawood. Don't forget this, Emma," I reminded myself, "you love him. You belong only to him. Hamza or anyone else doesn't matter anymore."

Then why did I feel like my heart had split into two? Why did I feel a churning in my stomach?


Just why?

Hamza chose to walk back into my life when I felt a sense of belonging with Dawood. Why did he have to ruin everything?

"Emma, please listen to me once," his voice held a pleading note.

"Hamza, please go. There is nothing left to talk about. I am married to Dawood," I could barely speak.

I hated how seeing Hamza brought back all those hidden emotions.

"Em, just once. Please listen to me once. Just for the old time's sake," he pleaded.

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