Chapter 37

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It was Sunday, and I was busy working out for my boxing match scheduled for the following weekend. After training Daddy’s princess for nearly two weeks and noticing that she had learned everything I had taught her thoroughly, I got convinced to leave her alone in the kitchen to prepare dinner tonight.

Seeing the burn marks on her unblemished skin that day made me feel an unknown guilt. I should not have behaved with her the way I did when she told me she didn't know how to cook. Her experiments in the kitchen could have led to some accidents, and despite my dislike for her, I didn't want anything wrong to happen to her. To be honest, I didn't hate her as much as I had before, or maybe I didn't hate her at all.

I had a change of heart regarding her. The difference was so subtle that it left me stunned. It was the first time in my life that I lost focus on the things that were important to me, like my work. I would spend the whole day checking time in my office so I could return home to be with her. I got used to spending my evening conversing with her about law school and my day at work. She made me accustomed to her so subtly that I didn't even realize that I looked forward to spending time with her. I felt like a complete asshole for stopping her from going to law school.

I thought of asking her to continue law school because, even though I had been a complete jerk to her from the start, she had always tried to make things work out between us. Though she didn't like cooking, she was trying to learn it and even surprised me in the morning when she made my favorite breakfast while I was working out. Even if she was doing all this to continue her studies, it felt good to have someone who cared about me. At first, I was just attracted to her sexually, but as I spent more time with her, I realized she was fun to be with. She was witty and well-informed about current affairs and could converse on any topic, unlike the other plastic bimbos I was used to.

I had always been attracted to intelligence in my life more than beauty, and it was in the last few years all I cared about in a girl was how good she was in bed. Because of the betrayals I suffered in the past, I looked at women as nothing more than a means to an end.

My views on her changed the more time I spent with her. She was compassionate and caring, unlike the girls I mostly come across. I had noticed her behavior with the Korean couple and Carla. I was too vain to judge her from a couple of incidents when we met. She was pampered and protected all her life and taught to behave in a certain way, and I shouldn't have expected that she might put aside everything and jump into bed with me.

Daddy's Princess could hold my interest for so long because she refused to give in to her desire for me. I realized that her resistance to the attraction between us piqued my interest in her. It intrigued me because even if I felt any attraction toward a girl, it would end the moment I slept with her.

I punched the bag when my cell beeped and walked towards the pommelled horse on which I had placed my cell. It was a notification of the request to access the elevator. I swiped the screen, and it showed Mike was trying to access it. Mike had access to my penthouse. He could come and go whenever he wished. He was my oldest and most trusted friend, but I had taken access away from him after my honeymoon.

My wife was a bombshell, and I didn't trust anyone with her. I didn't want anyone around my wife, even if it was my best friend. Allowing Mike access, I slipped into a tee shirt and walked out of the gym.

As I descended the stairs, she came out of the kitchen wearing a green-colored bohemian dress. The color matched her eyes and made them look darker than usual. My cock stirred in my pants as I took in her appearance. Even a glance at her beautiful figure was enough to make me hard. She gave me a mysterious smile unknown to the thoughts crossing my mind as the elevator door opened, and multiple male voices sounded one after the other.

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