Chapter 54

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Haami came over to Boston a couple of days after I called him. His shadow Sabir accompanied him. Ahmed had named Sabir Haami's shadow because of how the former never left Haami's side. Ahmed even speculated that they were getting it on behind everyone's back because of Mohammed's lack of interest in women. 

Homosexuality was punishable by death and was considered one of the gravest sins in Islam. Azmaayir, along with a few other Arab countries, had capital punishment for any homosexual. There was no way Mohammed would indulge in anything like that. His lack of interest in women was because he wanted to maintain a squeaky-clean image as the Crown Prince and the future king. 

"You don't have to worry about Hamza. I have dealt with him," Mohammed said, sipping his coffee. 

I had no idea what dealt with meant in Mohammed's dictionary, and it unsettled me. I might not love Hamza anymore, but I didn't wish him harm. I wanted him to move on and fall in love with someone who would love him back equally. Whatever happened wasn't his fault. Hamza was a mere victim of fate like Dawood and me. He got caught up in the burning passion between Dawood and me and suffered because of no fault. 

"You didn't do anything extreme, did you?" I asked anxiously. 

"Hamza isn't your concern anymore. Focus on your marriage Emma and bury the past once and forever," Mohammed clipped. 

His words hit too close to home. He was right. My marriage should be my sole focus. I had made many wrong decisions in my immaturity, and I needed to toughen up and take responsibility for it. I should have given up on my feelings for Hamza the first time I kissed Dawood because if what I felt for Hamza was true love, then I wouldn't have gotten attracted to Dawood. 

How hard was it for me to realize that I wouldn't have sought perfection in someone if my heart truly belonged to Hamza? It was my naivete that I labeled my infatuation with Hamza love. The truth was I loved the attention he paid to me and the little things he cared about me. 

My life was restricted back in Azmaayir. The boys stayed meters away from me because of the fear of Abi and my brothers. The only ones allowed close were my cousins. Amongst them, Hamza was the most loving and caring, and it wasn't hard to like him. His easygoing nature made it almost impossible for me not to enjoy his company. 

Hamza prioritized me over everyone, including his friends and family. His attention made me feel special, and I enjoyed being the center of it. When Hamza admitted to loving me, I was overjoyed. I imagined all my life at his side, and it was beautiful. He promised to keep me happy forever when I reciprocated his feelings. I was on cloud nine those days because the boy I liked loved me back ten times. 

Then Dawood entered my life like a tornado, turning everything upside down and leaving me stunned. I tried to fight my attraction for him to no avail. I tried to stay convinced I loved Hamza, but my attraction for Dawood burned down my resistance until nothing was left. No matter how much I battled with myself, every time his hands were on me and his lips were on mine, everything else felt insignificant. 

"How long until Dawood returns?" Mohammed inquired. 

"He has dinner with a client, and I don't know how long it will take him to come home," I answered. 

When I tested Dawood earlier that evening, informing him about Mohammed's arrival and asking him to be home early, he replied that he had a business dinner with a client and wouldn't be able to come home early. 

I felt he was avoiding meeting my brother, but when I called his office, his secretary, Scottie, confirmed the same. Scottie and I had reached an understanding in the past months. She kept me updated about Dawood's schedule. 

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