Chapter 21

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Ahmed had been smoking continuously for the past hour while Mohammed sat silently watching his twin. Adnan and Haitham were silent as well while Saif and Rashed were busy playing some stupid games on their cellphones. 

"I officially loathe him," Ahmed announced, pressing the stub in the sand. 

We all had camped in the desert for the night. I needed some air and Ahmed too looked in a bad shape. Mohammed was his usual composed self, not giving any sign that his sister getting married to Dawood, affected him. 

How could he be so fucking calm? 

I couldn't forget how Dawood had been holding her all the time like she was a fucking trophy he had won. The way he had kissed her and how she reciprocated his kiss. Still, she wanted me to believe that she loved me. 

Why did she even care what I did or did not think about her when she was already married to Dawood. What difference would it have made to her? 

"He is your brother-in-law," Adnan reminded. 

I couldn't say what I was feeling at the moment. I hated Dawood since the incident in the club like I had never hated anyone, and the photos and videos had only added fuel to that fire.

"I can't understand what Emma saw in him?" Saif looked up from his cell, "I always had the notion that you and Emma liked each other," he looked straight into my eyes. 

"He is a genius with 160+ IQ and I am sure Hamza didn't have that to offer," Rashed sneered. 

"Do you think she was attracted to his intelligence?" Adnan asked. 

"This is our sister you guys are discussing," Mohammed's voice held a warning.  

I knew he loved Emma and he surely doesn't like where the conversation was headed. He will have to come to terms with the fact his sister had chosen Dawood over the other guys in the family. 

"We are just speculating what she liked in that vain Turk," Haitham said. 

"Correction, he is Turkish American and from what I have heard he will be a senator in a few years," Saif corrected Haitham. 

I had come to know that Dawood was aspiring to join American politics and now I understood why Taimur Al Jahaan had married Emma to him. He not only belonged to one of the most powerful families, but he was also going to be a future senator or even a future President of the United States of America. 

"You should have courted her seriously," Rashed addressed me. 

"What good would it have brought?" I asked. 

"At least she would have not gotten involved with that arrogant son of a bitch," Adnan pointed out.

Fools, if only they knew how she had played me till the end, never did I realize that she was involved with someone else all the time. 

"Why didn't any of you try your luck?" I questioned. 

"Talk more shit about my sister and I will put a bullet through all your heads," Ahmed sat up. 

He had been lying on the ground and staring at the sky while smoking. 

"Technically speaking she is your half-sister," Haitham scoffed. 

"You will forget your technicalities with a hole in your head," he growled. 

I knew how close Ahmed was to Emma, they had been inseparable all through their childhood and teenage years. Ahmed would take a bullet for her and won't hesitate to put a bullet in someone's head for her. Though Ahmed and Mohammed had been close their bond was nothing close to what Ahmed shared with Emma. 

The Bound Princess (Dark Romance)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें