-Stage Four- Chapter 110: Vengeful Vigor

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Stage Four: Cold Descension and High Ascension


I am Victory. I am Victorious. I am V for Victoria.

The sounds of the waves of the sparkling sea never failed to sail into V's ears like a melody. The Indian ocean was her potion of views, not her poison, still, in its cool blues, her vengeance sank in vermilion violence.

V sat on the Grootslang shaped prow, crafting violent winds of violet Amandla to steer her vessel that merged with the sea like a camouflaging chameleon. She supervised its velocity. The vessel was designed to speed across the waters like a slithering snake. Fast, light, slippery, sturdy, slender and sleek.

The only downside was its suitability for intensive naval warfare. It wasn't a warship that could take heavy damage head on. It was designed to evade and travel long distances quickly, quicker than most ships. That didn't mean it couldn't strike either. Like a viper, its potency relied on its quickness by catching enemies off guard, striking when the opportunity presented itself. It was the fastest vessel in Constantia.

Before they left, Renero gave the vessel a name. Veronica. "She who brings Victory."

He knows our culture so well. V chuckled, thinking of how much she loved her father Renero, how he picked the perfect name for her like it was nothing, and the perfect name for her vessel.

V didn't sleep for days when she left Kimba for Petora, not until she had reached the shores, not until she had stopped Ishthrylla from killing Koobus, not until she had delivered her message.

She felt good and fresh from her brief time in the chilled province. More than that, she was happy, very happy. She couldn't stop smiling.

She saw Ishthrylla on deck, wearing white breeches, brown leather boots and a wide-strapped leather brassiere. Her abs were glistening like precious stones with sweat. Her hands and arms were soaking in blood from her daily sessions of beating the ever living fuck out of Koobus to relieve her fury and frustrations.

This was their third day at sea. Phountain was nearby, they had passed Membus already.


On the first day, Ishthrylla got seasick. It wasn't pretty. She was vomiting all the time before her body got used to the sensation of not being on land. After that, the thought of Koobus not being hurt overcame her sea sickness.

She thought about the Khona tribe, how they were treated like semen buckets. So she vomited, pissed, spat and shat on him for the first day, expelling her vertigo and sickness. She turned him into a bucket of trash for making her lads and lassies feel like shit after what his pack of rabid Eifri dogs did to them in the Petorian war.

V used a cleaning spell to cleanse the dark cellar. Everything became spotless, non-smelly and well-polished.

Ishthrylla had been torturing Koobus for two days straight, while V had been healing him so that they could continue making his life as miserable as possible. His curses and screams of anguish were amazing to listen to like a musical of joyous misery.

They didn't let Minaleese hear him, or see him for that matter whenever they went to the dark cellar for their rounds of mandatory punishment.

V placed a sound barrier each time they had their way with the pale brute. Never, in all her life, did V think she would meet someone who loved violence as much as her. Ishthrylla, resistant to venom as the red honey badger, and V, who induced venom as the blue pit viper.

They grinned, laughed and moaned louder than Koobus could scream. They played with him like a limbless toy, like defenseless prey. They tagged each other in rotations like a team, letting their "V-Ish" tendencies run wild on their trophy of war, Koobie. By dragging out his pain and denying him death, the two threw him overboard into the poisonous waves of hell for everything he had done.

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