Chapter 13: Impulsive Suppression

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"Are you out of your mind?"

To say the idea stumped Kakara to no end was an understatement. Not just with the whirlwind of information dumped on everyone in the room, but specifically, the current situation they faced with Renero's two Racaan children. And the dilemma of their untapped powers.

"Mmm, yes and no. Yes because the idea is completely mad and it wouldn't be the first time," Renero answered in a nonchalant manner that even had Minaleese frowning at him slightly. "Also no because this is completely unknown territory for us. But we don't really have any other way now do we?"

"B-but Papa Ren, this is completely bat shit crazy to every other bat shit crazy thing ever! We just went over how unpredictable and dangerous their powers are and now you wanna see it all again?"

"Mhm," Renero nodded.

"What if the exact same thing happens to us? We're much more defenseless and we won't be able to kill them all at once when they come for us. US, looking for THEM. What then?"

"Well then shit," Renero shrugged.

"Excusez-moi?" Kakara looked like she had gotten slapped silly.

"You are excused," Renee waved a hand.

"Are you ser— Mama!" Kakara's face lit up towards her mother in anger, being utterly aghast by Renero's sudden lack of tact.

Minaleese, who listened to the two go at it in complete silence, remained just as perplexed as her daughter if not more. Until she slowly realized just by looking at Renero's scarily calm demeanor.

That yes. He was in fact serious. Very serious. In a way that was quite unnerving yet soothing at the same time. Over the years, there would be many times in which Renero's joking and comedic self would be so intricately connected in well-oiled seriousness that one had to decipher for themselves whether the man was truly serious or not. And this was one of those moments.

Except, when it came to the current predicament with his children. Something was different. There was certain sternness to his demeanor in light of his sarcastic tone. One that made light of the potentially impending doom they faced with a nervy assurance of acceptance.

And all or nothing plan.

"Leesey, could you please make them some of that warm milk with an extra amount of the sedative potion you always give me? I got them, don't worry."

Minaleese's puzzled look remained on her face, nonetheless, she nodded at his request. Gently, she let go of the whimpering, terrified twins in her arms and got up to venture further inside the house, away from the room towards the kitchen area.

Genesia and Neosa rubbed at their puffy tear stained eyes to stop themselves from crying. Eventually, they lifted their heads up to look up at Renero. They saw him raise both his brows as he offered up a slight smile.

"Better now?" He asked.

They gave little nods in response with sniffles.

"Good good. Eeh, we'll probably have to get you two set up in the living room for now. Kakara, go fetch some blankets and mattresses."

Kakara considered Renero's request, switching back and forth between seeing the dejected and solemn faces of the twins and the serious but genuine expression on Renero.

Trust me. His dark brown eyes said to her. The brown eyes she found hope in. The same brown eyes she saw in the twins.

While I got stuck with the blue eyes of that fucking—

She closed her eyes, letting out a short sigh through her nose, following Renero's request and passing by her mother on the way.

Minaleese eventually joined them with two cups of warm milk that had an odd vanilla scent to them.

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