Chapter 128: Strongest Suns

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Chief Renero dreamed upon impulse, an Impulse dream. One he had wanted to dream for so very long, a dream his first wife had prepared him for, a dream, that was very much—


He sat on the surface of the Sun as though it were solid. The photosphere did not scorch him. It did not burn him. It saturated him like a brewed pot of gold, the luminous radiation highlighted the billions of other stars similar to the hot centre of attention.

The entire solar system was held together by the gravitational force of the Sun, by him. All revolved and orbited around his power, his raising gaze. He gave energy, warmth, heat and light to Mama Earth, and all its living organisms.

Solar waves flowed out of him. Someday, the Sun would swell. Someday, the Sun would run out of energy, of Amandla. Someday, the Sun, like all things in life, would eventually die. Someday...

How long did the Sun have left before it shrunk and exploded? A thousand years? A million years? A billion years?

How long do I have left? It was getting harder to tell each day. Renero felt for the Amo spirit within him, his ammunition, his driving force. He searched for the spirits of all the Chief's that came before him, singling out his father, O'Tata Reoro.

He thought of Ra's crippling words in calling them Setting Suns. For him, not me. Renero was confident in his cycle. That's where they differed. Yes. The Chief would eventually set off from the physical world. But his soul would also rise again in all three worlds at once. Could Ra say the same for his soul once his defeat was cemented?

You fucked yourself Ra. Kwasia. Your curse, your condition, will be your own undoing. Genesia and Neosa have already made sure of that. They are the Two for One that have combined the Before and After of your demise from both races. Renero smiled broadly.

He foresaw the occurrence in which life would do everything in its scope to make them consider giving up. Hence why he instilled the most important lesson into their minds. The art of never giving up. The force of pushing when pushed. The cycle of the rising fall and the falling rise.

What he would give to lift his twinnies up on his shoulders like he had done in their three years together.

There was Kakara as well. Seven years he had been her father. You will reign the longest. Renero's smile broadened even more. Kakara would not only destroy the legacy of Maxis, she would build the highest legacy for herself. She had the White Sun Gabrielle with her after all. The son Renero still had to meet.

He'd been a father figure to Ishthrylla in that time as well, along with Beafa. Victoria was his latest daughter. Only a few days in that regard, but he did name V on her day of birth, so it was all the same for Renero. V-Ish tendencies tend to flourish all with the element of stupefied surprise. He chuckled. No doubt, the two of them would continue to leave the masses dumbstruck with their impregnable capabilities.

Renero closed his eyes for a moment. His black, gold and white embroidered dashiki with long pants glittered like the sprinkled stars that winked all around him, as though they were twinkling spectators that eagerly awaited the profound words of the last Racaan Chief.

His lion cape remained still and suspended behind him like a floating carpet. His long dreadlocks rustled down his back like tendrils.

A bright flashing ball of yellow light went off behind his eyelids. He opened his eyes with a satisfied expression. Sitting next to him, with her head resting on his shoulder, was Chieftess Bantii, draped in yellow and spotted black.

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