Chapter 135: The Inheritance of Parenthood

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Find. Finding. Found. At no cost. At an array of costs. Doubt had no spacious room, no coercive leeway, no fillable space in which it could pour into the decision-making process that contained the elixir of unknowns that had to be known to the world, to the planet, to the galaxy. Certainty needed to be kindled with unquestionable objectivity, the likes of which could only be answered from the genesis and onset of parenthood.

When a child calls, it is the duty of the parent to answer the calls of their child. When a child cries, it is the duty of the parent to stop the cries of their child. When a child is to be cursed, tortured, and sacrificed, it is the duty of the parent...

To curse, torture, and sacrifice themselves for their child's livelihood.


The Tenacious Twins raced into the two planets that had merged with one another in their smilodon forms. A line split them as they roamed together, side by side. Puffs of steam spewed out of their growlingmouths. Their sharp claws hooked the fabrics of dreamy reality, unhooking with each lucid stride.

The blue smilodon with black stripes resided on the side of Jupiter, soaked in maroon like an artless wall. The red smilodon with white stripes resided on the side of Neptune, soused in azure like a clear sky.

"Aunty and uncle have personally prepared their favourite planetary marks already," the blue male said as he morphed into his Racaan form as Oba Genesia, wearing black dashiki pants, leaving his chest bare. His saber tooth fangs peered out of his mouth.

He walked with his arms crossed on layers of gas, not on any solid or watery surface. He fixed his unflinching gaze on Jupiter's gigantic, raging, spinning storms that whirled like colossal nimbus clouds that blocked sunlight, ushering in an age of darkness where an army of moons and stars could shine. The dust particles that made up the rings rotated rapidly like hydrous halos.

The massive size and mass of Jupiter alone was astronomical, making him feel like an atom by comparison. Shades of milky white, winey red and syrupy brown flickered over his shredded figure.

Which was why Gene said in a paternal tone, my child is beloved by the largest and most physical planet. And his child would be beloved by the largest and most physical planet.

The female ululated as she morphed into her Racaan form as Morena Neosa, bare-chested, wearing a white dashiki skirt with her saber tooth fangs sticking out of her mouth.

She recognized the supersonic windstorms that kept Neptune in strict orbiting condition. Instead of sinking non-stop inside the giant ball of ice and gas, Neosa bounced on the turbulent hurricanes with her hands fastened behind her head like she was taking a carefree stroll. She raised her brows at the herby yellow-brown clouds.

The moons swirled inwards in an attacking formation befitting of an ambush. The coldest planet in the solar system, furthest away from the Sun's heat and touch put the worst winter in space to shame, which only served to start Neosa's high temperature like volcanic flints.

The dusty rocks that the rings were composed of looked misleading, leading her towards the spark that alighted her maternal instincts as she danced along the thick soup of icy and windy waters.

She licked the top row of her carnivorous teeth, stewing on the signs. "Neptune isn't just the planet of dreams. It's the world of deception, mystery and fantasies. Haibo. Am I being tricked by my own child?" Neo wondered out loud, prompting an enormous smile to beam across her face. Her child was The Stunning Rassy's grandnephew after all. Of course he would inherit her staggering ways!

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