Chapter 75: Silence

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Gene wondered, what was worse? Someone who lost the ability to feel, or someone who never had the ability to feel and wanted to know how to feel?

He wondered because of the violent shivers that oscillated around him. All he heard was rain and ocean waves, and his mind couldn't venture a guess in formulating even the smallest hint of a sound. What did hell sound like?

The jam packed plaza grew increasingly worried and unsure of what to make of Genesia. The hours passed by like nothing, just as he felt nothing throughout, not even a sense of fear, thrill, anxiety or danger.

To be frank, the whole slug fest felt criminally underwhelming to him. At least with pain there was something to feel, no matter how he fought to conceal the feeling. That internal battle was just that. A battle of conflict. Here, there was no conflict other than him getting fucked around like an animated corpse.

Not only did he feel dead inside, he appeared to be dead on the outside as well.

When he said he wanted to become a God in their world, he thought it would be a bit more rewarding with how challenging it would be. This was too easy. He absorbed shock like a sound absorbent sponge that burned the plaza with cold shuddering fire.

He knew the people grew silent when their mouths stopped moving. Everyone stared at him with open eyes of disbelief. The crowd of people looked exhausted after giving Genesia their everything, and getting absolutely nothing out of it.

It was worse than fighting water. Water made a splash and resisted with its medium. Genesia on the other hand just fell after each round of blows like a limp carcass, and got up every time for more like a quiet phantom that did not breathe.

The Afri unit in khaki combat armour still believed they could break him enough to have him cry out and scream. The fools genuinely believed it so much that they tested Genesia's performance with a mix of flagellation and crucifixion.

They pulled on the ropes to have the high and tall statue of Harpocrates, the god of silence, fall down for him to get nailed to.

Ah,ah,ah. This is the best you can come up with? Kakara already did this shit. He shook his head at them.

Throughout their attempts, he transformed the hostile crowd to look like the Petorians instead. He saw Minaleese worrying over him with her overprotective nature. Kakara stared at him silently with crossed arms and a soft expression that would appear only once in a blue moon.

Beafa's voice boomed with his bets. Ishthrylla yelled with her raucous riots. The first six along with all the other children clapped their hands for him to get up and play with them. He saw the people of Talstale, all watching over him protectively.

The brutal and depressing rainfall continued to beat down on Genesia, and in turn, his inexpressive face of boredom and depression beat down on all his enemies at once in one swing like a swooping whale.

He spat gallons of blood, unable to taste it and unable to care for all the cuts and bruises that were littered all over his body. His stone faced silence remained unbroken, breaking the surroundings sounds of distraught noise.

The Afri commanders forced his hands to become closed fists. With sledgehammers and freakishly long Amandla channeled nails, they nailed him to the statue with strident bangs.

When Genesia looked around, people were screaming hysterically. Some dropped to the wet floor in every direction, some shielded their eyes, and others just walked away, having had enough.

Oi. Come back you sick fucks. He wanted to tell the weaklings with his colliding stares. Didn't you want this? Didn't you ask for this? It's funny now neh?

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