Chapter 46: One World

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She raced a running race like her own race that ran out of time. She ran away like a running race her own race ran away from everything till the end of time. She ran towards something better like a running race of fleeing time that her own race ran towards all the time.

A race against time, a run towards living, a running race that time sped past and through to run no more.

The entire world around her was white. The kind of white where she couldn't see anything in front of her, or anything behind her, nor to her sides. All she could do was run in her smilodon form. Nothing was even chasing her, there was nothing she was chasing after.

She was just running and crying. The ceaseless assault of despair ran inside her blood, raced inside her heart and kept racing inside her mind to speed through her traumatised soul.

Water filled her lungs, her body, her pathways for air to where she could not scream. The pressure of the world around her was deafening with all the static white noise that she could not turn off that only grew louder with each stride she took.

Her head wanted to be split in two, her head felt so sick it wanted to just burst in pieces, her head was in so much pain that she wanted to just... stop running altogether.

She wanted to roar and shriek to shatter the whole world around her to break free from her noisy imprisonment of confinement. The noisy imprisonment of solitude. The noisy imprisonment where she could feel herself slowly dying with a level of pain that represented the noise itself. The pain became louder, and only became more painful in its volume.

She had been driven insane by the pain, she lost herself in the pain, she lost... everything... in the pain. She knew she lost when all of a sudden, the white world started to turn red.

Slowly, ever so slowly with the drops of blood from the non existent sky, that soon rained down relentlessly like the skies had opened up with tears of blood. The ground beneath her feet became water before said water started to rise. Said water turned into scarlet blood itself in its purest form to slow her running down, forcing her to swim.

With this red world of blood surfacing, she found her voice again and started screaming in fury, anguish and despair. Just screaming really. Not saying anything in particular through words, speech or language, but adding to the white noise to see if she could be loud enough to overpower it to make all the tormenting pain stop.

Her noise did nothing, in fact, it only made the white noise worse, which only added more cutting pain to her.

Stripes of blood on her saber tooth tiger skin soon overheated to explode in bursts to have her body be drained.

She screamed again, to the point of destroying her vocal cords, thus reverting back to square one where it was destroyed. The heavy rain of blood kept bombarding her with its weight to drown her in the weight of her weakness, her stupidity, her foolish hope, her dumb positivity, her arrogance, her false happiness, her insanity, her bravodo, her lack of strength, her losses and her failures.

Soon, the blood levels rose so high that the whole world became one ocean of red itself. No concept of flat land or surface, not even an ocean floor or deep dark trench. Just blood.

She couldn't breathe, she couldn't scream, she couldn't adapt. In the ocean of blood, she felt herself still swimming away from shapes that began to form.

It was her race. On that day. The day she and her brother ran away from everything. Ran away from them. No matter how hard she tried, her body would not change direction to move towards them. It wouldn't change direction to try and help them. It was too weak to help, and only strong enough to cause trouble, to cause their deaths.

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