Chapter 153: Remembrance

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"What becomes of us now?"

"We will be what we want to be!"

"What is our identity?"

"We will not be what they wanted us to be!"

Trapped in the quantity of disorder, sound quality faded as arguments spun in disorientating circles where purpose had no voice. The sun's steady decline peppered the urge to shed light on the hopeless quarrelling.

"Baaa baaa baaa fucking baaa. Why did I ever agree to subjugate myself to this? Is it enough that I have to see things play out like this twice in one day? First with the eye of Ramela, and now with the mortal eyes of Mela. I can already feel my brain cells abandoning me to this squalor. Have I ascended to the point where I've become incapable of comprehending basic human speech? Have I gone mad? Tstha, I suppose I'll just have to suck it up, grit my teeth and study the brainless bleating if I'm to make sense of it. Neokie, do you mind translating for me? What does ba mean? Ara ara, it must be close to baka in Jaacheen! Well, at least they're self-aware of how stupendous their stupidity is. Unless that's a mistranslation on my part in an attempt to make them seem smarter. What do you think? Oh don't sulk like that."

Neosa wanted to tangle her fingers in her thick curls and rip her own hair out.

"Don't do that either. Not that being bald would diminish your beauty by any means. If anything you'd look bolder. Just... no, please don't, for my sanity."

Neosa sneered and shot Ramela with a plain look. She had succeeded in giving her the silent treatment for three hours straight. But even she was reaching her melting point in fending off Ramela's intrusive thoughts.

She doesn't get tired! Neo complained. Strangely, Neosa twisted with enjoyment at being challenged in such a way, but she wasn't going to admit that. She pressed her lips shut. Steam boiled out of her ears like a kettle in a useless attempt to mute her from the inside.

Ramela made her eyes bigger and flicked her glossy hair. "You're dying to talk back to me. I can see it all across your angered expression like the beading sweat on your aching forehead."

Ramela reached out with a finger, scooped up a sheen of sweat and licked her fingertip. "Tastes like flavoured water, just like Genie's sweat. I could just lick you all over like candy to make you speak to me. I'm exceptionally good at getting what I want, as you well know."

Neosa fisted a bowl of nuts and raisins and stuffed them in her mouth. There. Talking with bulging cheeks and a full mouth would be rude. Unless she was a squirrel.

"As if you've ever cared for table manners. I've seen how you are with the male me.

Here. Let me demonstrate. It'll be like our nutty talk from a few nights ago." Ramela's mouth curved in a smile. She scooped up some nuts and raisins and shoved them in her mouth. Chewing slowly, eyes clutching Neosa.

Musa cleared his throat, aware of their contractual shenanigans.

The three of them sat on an opulent sofa on a marbled stage elevated by dual pillars, overlooking and facing the bowl-shaped, open-air amphitheatre.

Kenosi knocked two large cats with one body. He clashed with Femi and Masimba on the arena floor, tiled by bricks. The lioness and the jaguar were having a scratch measuring contest. The large cat to draw first blood on the up-and-coming saber-tooth tiger could claim bragging rights.

Kenosi fought with a determination to prevent them from boasting, keeping his striped fur bloodless, stirring dust and kicking up a storm of entertainment while doing so.

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