Chapter 72: Freedom Fighters

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Ramoth had been waiting for this moment for years. Neosa could feel the childish excitement and rambunctious anticipation radiating off his body. It almost matched the blinding sun rays that radiated off of Pharaoh Ra.

Neosa's eyes wanted to be blind and ignorant, just like the humans of Metro. How in the fuck was she going to reach him from up there? How was she going to kill him from up there?

It took so much out of her to focus on seeing him properly with how much gold was on him. He held a scalding hot scepter. Ra's symbol of a moving falcon head, serpent head and sun disc broke everything Neosa had to offer when she felt the last thing she ever wanted to feel.


What echoing sound did Neosa make? An incomprehensible one. Worse than the world's amount of shattered glass and more piercing than the scariest and sharpest of blades.

Her throat scratched with sharp claws that produced heavy rainfalls of blood to flow down her windpipe. Her legs wanted to crumble with how much they trembled. Her hands wanted to die with their tremors. Her body wanted to rest with how much damage it had received. She clutched her chest like she wanted to stop her heart from twisting into imploding failure.

Neosa's face fell to the lowest of lows. Her world crashed down on her all over again. She was sent back to that day. Her heart stopped with one spear that pierced her chest, and all their hearts as one. The last thing she saw in her in and out state of raw Primalstasis, was Pharaoh, flying, with great black wings and blinding white eyes that glowed with a blow that destroyed her whole world.

All evil in the world came from Pharaohs. Pharaoh, Pharaoh Ra... hell, Ramoth looked evil at the moment with the devilish expression he gave his father. How was she meant to ensure that he didn't go down the same path as the One King she had to win with?

Neosa! Neosa! Papa isn't dead! He isn't dead! That's from back then! Calm down! Calm—

Neo rushed to hold Neosa internally, bringing her back to reality as she couldn't stop herself from sobbing. She had to remember. Everyone would have known if the last Racaan Chief was dead. The truth still didn't alleviate the nausea that rose up from her spiraling intestines.

Was he still clapping? He was. He only stopped just a few seconds ago. With each passing second, he dropped down from the highest of highs with his crafted falcon wings that faded away as soon as his golden boots made contact with the ground.

Except, they didn't. Two people used themselves as doormats for him to stand on. Neosa's mouth hung open and her eyes somehow stayed in their sockets while her body still emitted white smoke.

Pharaoh Ra walked, and with each step, there was a body to cover his tracks. He walked on people. He willed them to be his personal grounds, like he was above dirtying himself when he had the most blood on his hands and feet.

"Now isn't this a surprise?" His low voice of hell buried Neosa in heavenly light, locking her up in the same prison as her father and all her comrades before her. How she didn't piss herself only the ancestors—

Did they even know? How many of them suffered thanks to the Optimer system that he radicalized to absurd levels?

Sweat rushed down her skin to form a small pond by her feet, turning the sand into mud. Pharaoh Ra stopped in front of her with one hand resting by his hip. Cutting hot air dried all her body water.

Ramoth. She needed him. Now more than ever. She couldn't act anymore. She couldn't play the game anymore. She couldn't be brave anymore. She was scared. Shit scared and afraid. Pharaoh Ra eclipsed her with his height. All colour drained from her face as she looked up at him with fear that even the gods struggled to place a label on.

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