-Stage Three- Chapter 56: Six (1)

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Stage Three: Old Thrones and New Crowns

== 2ML ==

Petora was quiet. Very quiet. So quiet that the wind did not even make a sound, and the air did not move. In fact, there was no wind. The elements of nature were as dead as the dead themselves. Even when the dead spoke volumes during their untimely ends.

Talstale was like a grand city-like town of grand phantoms. The people patrolled and defended the capital of Petora like impenetrable walls against the undying wills of the Metronian army. The way of 'Protective Defense' kept Metro at bay from dominating the province as theirs, but it would be a lie to say that the cost in doing so was not heavy.

It was. Extremely heavy. So heavy that each day the people felt like they were carrying cities on their shoulders, and on their backs in the forms of blood and bodies. Each day the people felt like a breakthrough would never be reached, even as they continued to prevent their land from being breached in defeat.

When the war started, the Metronian army was numbered at one million. In the span of one year and one month, they had been reduced to 700,000.

The Petorian army, which started out with 200,000, lost all 200,000 lives in December and January. Thus, they were forced to shift their numbers to 500,000. With the new numbers, they suffered 200,000 loses during the new year of the war to be left with 300,000.

In the current month of September, the land of domination, Metro, and the land of defiance, Petora, were in a 7:3 deadlock. A stalemate in which both forces sought and fought to count down towards the 12 of midday and the 12 of midnight to stop the sands of time that added more lives to its hourglass.

Time ticked. Time tocked. And yet, the clock kept turning.

Tick, tick, tick. Tock, tock, tock.


"Breathe my girl. Breathe like the blazing breeze."

Ish thrill. Ish thrill. She breathed.

The voice of Renero flowed like balled fire to enter the inferno from within. His voice raged with consuming fire to burn the demon inside of Ishthrylla so that she could direct the blind demon with control.

She breathed with an ish, and exhaled with a thrill. Three thrilling times to maintain her chill.

"Who is your worst enemy?"


"No. Who is your worst enemy?" Renero's voice was as sharp as his spear.


"Who is your worst enemy?"

A long pause stopped the flow of the inquisition.

"My firestorm," Ishthrylla eventually said, bitterly.

"Why is that your worst enemy?"

Another pause.


"Because it destroys everything, including meself and those around me when I go ballistic and nuts in me element."

"What is the right way towards achieving your revenge?" He asked.

A simmering pause.

"Controlling the firestorm, becoming the firestorm and letting the firestorm pass."

Ishthrylla opened her eyes to see Renero sitting across from her with a clear view of the mountain forest they were situated in, far above Rinestone. He watched her intently as she made a strained expression before reaching a decisive answer with a shrug of the shoulders.

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