Chapter 49: Cursed Cold

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The thickness in the air was like a giant gulping sword with each breath Kakara took. The fog was too dense for her eyes to see through, and the atmosphere of being chased was far too terrible for her to have a single moment to breathe properly.

One. Two. Calme. Calme.

Therefore, the only way to keep moving and breathing was through Renero's breathing technique as she inhaled and exhaled quickly, in and out, in and out, on the move, and on the run.

Kakara could feel the rumbling vibrations around her, and she could see the glowing eyes that grew in every corner through the fog of night and through the forest of rain.

She hardened her insides to be just as icy on the outside to have her fists crystallize like diamonds. She drew out her Amandla channelled GN swords that steamed with bluish smoke to swipe at anything that moved towards her, decapitating heads whenever they came for her through the fog.

Stupid shits. Who the fuck do you think you're messing with? She jumped up to land on a high tree just as a wailing primal launched itself at her. She used her swords to climb up the tree and land safely on a steady branch.

There she could fully compose herself into stealth stalking, making her whole body be submerged in a deadly still zone to make detection extremely difficult for the senses of primals.

Kakara crafted small interference lines that traveled through the fog, not nearly as strong to keep her completely hidden, but basic enough to provide a distraction in order to carefully move through, like throwing bricks as diversions.

She looked up into the sky, noticing how full the moon was. I need more light, but that's just gonna fuck me over in plain sight.

She considered her surroundings, being trapped in a sea of darkness to where the only light that could be seen was the glowing eyes of the primals in every direction to match the night sky with stars of death and infection.

I also can't see shit in this, it's like walking without eyes. Her eyes narrowed increasingly trying to increase some semblance of her vision that did little help. She closed her eyes for a moment, suppressing the urge to sigh out of frustration and instead focus on steadying her breathing to not give herself away

Opening her eyes quickly, she leaped across to another tree branch as nimble and quiet as a cat. With stealth stalking, she made sure her feet didn't make a sound and instead focused on landing with the sound of silence itself to keep her hidden.

Carefully, and slowly, she glanced in all directions wherever she saw movement and felt swift changes in the night, using the glowing eyes of the primals as a guide and feeling her senses alert her of their presence in close proximity.

When she was within a good striking zone, she would take them out professionally like a lone wolf assassin, without disturbance, hassle or noise to give away her position.

She caught one's attention behind her and swiftly turned around to charge at it within the blink of an eye, crushing its head with her hands and crushing another with a shoulder tackle through a tree to make her grandfather Krusha The Crusher nod slightly in approval.

Not smile. But nod slightly. He never smiled, and never showed compassion from what Maxis told her once. Only once, but it was enough for her to get a sense of how his life turned out with his father.

And I thought I had it like hell. Whenever she was cornered, she would come painstakingly close to giving herself away through the rainforest.

Sometimes she would have to "play dead" by remaining as deadly still as humanly possible to let them pass her. Other times she would have to intentionally use noisy interference distractions to direct their senses elsewhere while she made several runs towards other spots.

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