Chapter 50: Original Gene

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During the time Genesia felt seven pieces of himself break with Rosari's love, he also saw seven mirrors of his entire life that he frantically looked away from, wishing to break them to shards.

They were all of his past, his present and his future. They were all pieces of himself from the beginning of time until the end of time. They were all pieces of the universe within himself that Rosari penetrated through without his will or consent.

As such, they were all seven pieces that he closed away once again, as always. He shut his brain, his heart and his body to have those seven pieces of himself die, so that the singular piece of himself on the outside, could live.

When he opened his mouth to deliver his silent scream, Rosari immediately let go of him with a severely hurt and wounded expression. Genesia's silent scream was a piercing cry of pain, fear, anger and terror.

Rosari clutched her ears and dropped to the bottom of the dark and deep volcanic lake so fast that it was a miracle she was still alive with how hard she broke in her crushing fall.

Regaining his breathless breath, Genesia opened his eyes from the abyss to instinctively look down to see that he was also falling, until he crashed down into the bottom as well. He hit rock bottom as he felt all the rocks overgrown with green algae beneath him break like ash and bones.


To his horror, that's exactly what was beneath him as he gave a startled cry of horror. Below him, was an underwater graveyard, filled with bones of—

Children. Of all ages, young to old.

It was a hellish graveyard. A graveyard of skeletons and bones of fallen merm children. There were so many of them that it was like a farm of cropped children.

Genesia gave up trying to count how many merm skeletons there were when he realized the entire bottom of the lake was filled with them along with human skeletons, stretching across to eternity and beyond.

His body tensed and became motionless, holding his breath like he had forgotten to breath and holding his chest like it had forgotten to beat.

He was quiet, scarily quiet, shaking and gazing in every direction to see the same grim and grave sight of death. Then, his eyes stopped in one turn and one look that felt like a stab to the stomach.

Behind him, was a straight pole, that had the rotting body of a beautiful male merm, about the same height as Rosari with black galaxy granite skin, and a blue pitchfork driven into his heart.

His green rainbow eyes were open, staring lifelessly, as though they were staring at Genesia that he couldn't help but produce another silent scream that broke the water like a hole of ice.

The volcanic lake was hot like a hot spring, but Genesia felt nothing but cold dread seizing him like a frozen lake to be trapped in hopelessness due to his wildfire of blue flames.

An indescribable sea of sadness flooded his heart that he felt his nerves crack one by one to break the gates that contained the atrocious flood and suppressed feelings within him to cry relentlessly like a newborn baby dipped in ice.

It hurt. Everything hurt. In all his thirteen years of living, he didn't think anything could hurt like this. Crying physically hurt his throat like it was constantly burning. His body throbbed like an earthquake of heart beats that he didn't understand why it didn't just crumble into pieces or stop from critical failure like his mind did.

Just looking at the rotting body of the beautiful male merm with its chest impaled opened up the horrid memories of loss he remembered from when Pharaoh threw his spear into his aunty's chest.

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