Chapter 29: Brim Blaze

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As soon as they all came, they all vanished. As soon as they brought destruction and death with them, they left leaving destruction and death. As soon as they took away life and left their mark, they left behind the permanent marks of loss.

Adding to the dreary atmosphere was the falling rain that continued to flood the earth with its tears from the clouds that also flowed down the faces of every single person that either found their loved ones, severely hurt or damaged but alive, embracing in relief; or when they found their loved ones dead and gone, crying out in anguish.

Their sobs, wails and screams shot through the night, and the blistering wind howled in its haunting sighs. The thunderstorm was violent and unmerciful to all those affected. The only pleasant smell was that of the rain in the air that seemed to cleanse and wash the smell of death and blood away.

Unfortunately, this meant nothing, nothing at all, as a man once said: "All I can think about is praying for another day. A day where a real rain will come, a real rain that will wash every inch of our painful sorrows away."

The man thought to himself. How many more days, must I continue to pray and wait for this real rain?

A terrifying clap of thunder followed by a striking flash of lightning illuminated the entire grassy village of Rinestone. Standing there, in the middle of it all, was the last Chief of the Racaan race. His body was still emitting smoke from his heavily sustained arrow wounds, and blood was still leaking down, being carried by the flooded water.

Motionless, Renero scanned his surroundings, hands completely numb, and eyes clouded, with no sign of life to be seen in them at all. Where the sounds of those around him were drowned out by the relentless storm, his sense of hearing made out each and every single one of them. The strong wind roared and whipped in the same way he was roaring out in fury on the inside.

Painstakingly slow however, sound seemed to fade away to where one would think he had gone deaf, especially when the tugging of a bloodstained warrior with flaming red hair did not shake him enough to warrant a response.

"Renero! Chiefy Renero! Earth to Daddy Renero!"

Renero somehow responded to this faint but clearly loud protest of concern, focusing his eyes to see the one person he did not have the strength to say anything to in this moment, and the one person he was left powerless to provide comfort to.

His eyes widened ever so slightly to show clear distress, causing the young woman in front of him to place her hands on his shoulders with a few more extra shakes.

"Oi! If you can hear me then say something! Anything!"

Again, he was left speechless, standing there, dead still, a deep horror beginning to surge up inside at having to actually address the person's name to ease her worries and concerns that were only about to undergo more trauma.


The second his words left his lips, he felt Ishthyrlla breathe a heavy sigh of relief, hugging him to feel his warmth and paying no mind to how grotesque his scarred torso looked.

"Ah thank goodness! Ya had me worried there for a sec. Thank fook you still feel warm as hell."

Renero could not summon up a reply or any action back at her. For despite how warm he felt to others on the outside, the truth was that he felt horribly cold on the inside.

Sensing this uncomfortable wave of cold, Ishthyrlla broke away a bit to stare at Renero with more visible concern coming over her face.

The same face as Bri—

Another clap of thunder interrupted him. He hated lighting. Oh he hated it ever since he first saw it as a child that brought the horrendous sounds of thunder with it. Ever since he experienced hellish torture with it's electrifying power in Metro.

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