Chapter 147: Luck of the V-Ish

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Ish, don't leave me!

Vertigo varied viciously, vertically. V's virulent veins were vehicles well versed in verifying her vehemence, and she would be verbose to understate how her vexation throbbed vociferously.

She found it difficult to express her affliction verbally, so wordlessly, she veered her head in one direction, then the other like a blue pit viper who had lost track of its prey. The Vice vaunted her venal eyes of valour.

It didn't untangle the veil of her vacuous vegetation, or stop the vacillation that left her consciousness vulnerable.




V.v.v.v.v. V.v.V.v.V. v.v.v.v.v. vV.V.V.V.V.v.v.v.V.


"vIvA vICTORIA! ViVa!"


Victoria released V from the verdant of viridescent vines that vied for her viscid vanity. It felt like being stuck inside a tight vase. She closed the vomit from escaping the contents of her stomach. She pressed her hands to her ears like an insignificant child wanting to block the horrors of the world. She slowed the convulsion of her body and coiled on the bed for protection against invisible predators that no one could hear or see.

No one — except herself of course.

Her brain was a warzone of irrationality, a noisy jungle filled with nameless monkeys swinging wildly and screaming symphonies for no reason whatsoever.

A vivid vision reached the surface of her mind's eye. She saw Ishthrylla, paler than a ghost, dead as lead, nailed down to the bottom of titanic spikes in the form of crystals. She had been impaled, or rather, she had been Ished to death.

Thick denial flared inside V. She shook her poisoned head. You're seeing visuals of your worst fears, nothing more. Ish would never leave me. She's not like the rest. She said it herself. She's resistant to my venom.

The visual would not vanish, nor would it appear as something else, something more promising, something that didn't fill her blood with cold dread. It intensified like a steadily rising temperature, rendering her feverish. Her heart was moving at a rapid velocity.

Breathe in. Fill yourself with her. V inhaled, forcing oxygen inside her lungs, then exhaled, forcing carbon dioxide outside her body, latching onto Renero's technique. One. Two. Vi. Va.

Incense sticks burned all around, releasing fragrant smoke that reminded V of Ishthrylla. The aromatherapy worked like a charm after four solvent minutes. She felt herself sinking back into her soaking wet pillow. She primarily used her nose and mouth, flicking her tongue out to smell the aromatic scent like a snake creating air vortices.

Ishthrylla drugged me for my own good, and locked me in here. V reasoned. The effects of the sedative potion were wearing off by the second. Her eyesight was still poor as piss. She couldn't see anything except a dense fog created by the fragrant smoke that mystified her cloudy mind. For a moment, she thought of when her mother locked her inside a pitch-black vault before throwing her to sink in the water. She shuddered, overcome by a brief stab of panic.

Someone will open for you. Someone always does. V thought. Javulani had done so before, after all. One of her volunteers would appear if she asked. She hoped they were helping themselves to the drinks in her bar.

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