Chapter 95: Fighting Forgiveness

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The capital city in the North of Kimba sparkled like a crystal center, sitting on the bank of the Sayas river, making it an excellent trading port since the river flowed into Metero, Membus and Phountain.

A pyramidal peak of the Glassy mountains marked the boundary between Kimba and Metero. The mountain range stretched across the province, known for its small springs that trickled and gave it a glassy appearance.

Mountain-walled valleys overlooked Vreys as V propelled her winter sailboat out of the river and into the snow roads as the gates opened.

"Thank fokk," Imcke yawned and carefully got up to stand, testing the weight of her healed leg. Stable, for now, but yah she's right, I can't be as reckless for a little while.



V sighed. Here we go. As the steel runners of her vessel sped through the snow, the paths they traveled were lined up with the residents of the city, clamoring for attention and cheering at their safe return.

White snow was thrown into the air like sprinkles, welcoming them back. Norne came rushing in, only to breathe a sigh of relief when she saw them. She saluted. Imcke saluted back.

"Did you miss us you hounds?" Imcke raised a finger to her ear. The Eifri barked and howled.

Kaikara smiled softly. When he smiled, it was like waves of strength pulsed out of his lips and into the people. It was rare to see him smile so openly. He was always frowning deeply, as though frosted anger was the only thing his face could emote.

The people felt safe when their King smiled, they felt protected, they felt strong, they felt like champions.

In truth, Kaikara only smiled because Imcke told him to smile. This was his public face as their symbol of power. Not to say he didn't like smiling at others, but he preferred smiling to people he either trusted or liked.

Children were an exception. He could always smile at them freely without forcing himself to. They all looked up to him, even going so far as to call him Kersmas Kai, which meant Christmas Kai.

When the festive season came around, he would dress up in an open white fur trimmed red jacket, red pants, a broad belt and black boots. He gave gifts to them on his day of birth on the Eve of Christmas, as well as on Christmas day.

Kaikara would let the children tackle him, he would let them take him down, he would let them touch his beard braids and long hair. He would let them win in battle and he would watch them struggle and fail to lift his greatsword.

Seeing them so happy filled Kaikara's heart with immense joy, something he only showed them. He felt like children were the only things in the world that allowed him to be... a child, really. At heart, he had always been one. At heart, he even longed for children of his own.

He didn't express this to Imcke. He was hesitant, afraid. Ever since they met, he didn't really know what to call their relationship exactly. Or rather, he didn't quite possess the capacity to understand what it was when it was obvious to everyone else. Kaikara didn't understand Imcke's devotion to him at all.

"My Koning! My Koning!" Women yelled to gain his attention. He frowned at first, then hesitantly waved at them. The women flooded themselves. Faints and screams like waves pulsed from his nervous waves.

Kaikara felt extremely uncomfortable and stopped waving. The men saluted and nodded in admiration, thumping their chests. Kaikara found them easier to deal with as he simply nodded back.

When he turned to look at Imcke, she caught him in her gaze. Her lips were trembling like a knife on the edge. She was fighting hard not to laugh, rather unsuccessfully at that.

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