Chapter 124: Frictional Force

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My affection for this world is like a green diamond. It twists and turns like a key at first light.

Malikoh Ramoth stared at the apple of his eye like she was a reflection of radiance and rapture. The dimming daylight from her skin was blinding, just as the laughter from her mouth was deafening. He wanted nothing more than to make her the happiest woman in the whole wide world, just as he sought to morph into the man of her dreams.

That wasn't possible. That was never possible, but the possibility still arose like a desire that only knew how to expand until it exploded like a popping balloon.

Neosa's loud voice was like warm butter sliding all over his body, and her captivating scent was like...

There was nothing like it. It was an antidotal drug, an addictive inhalant that was free of all toxicities. Being around her made him feel high under her bouncy influence, so full of energy, so full of existence, like she was constantly shouting, singing, walking, jumping and dancing on rays of sunshine.

When Neosa wiped her eyes, the sound of her strained laugh left a disability in the damp air, like a musician who was unable to play the song of soaking merriment. She shot a razor-sharp look at Ramoth. Her incandescent gaze was spellbinding like she was on a warpath for simplicity instead of difficulty.

He smirked leisurely, turning to see Musa's palm leaving his face as his expression morphed to look stoned. The mantle of Mambo Jumbo inebriated him. Ramoth never experienced the same problem in all their years ruling together, even back when they were children.

It was like Musa was getting stoned with ceaseless taxes and duties to the point where his eyes looked stony in order to assess the aggregation of pyramidal stones that led up to the highest cluster fuck that required his all-seeing notice.

That was the thing about Mambo Musa. He didn't have or need the eye of Ra, or the eye of Ramela, or the eye of Ramoth to see all. Because he wasn't a Supreme human being like them. He was a Holy human being that watched over all of humanity, on their level, below their level and on top of their level.

Musa aimed his stiff stare towards Ramoth like a catapult. "Clearly, there are many things you want to share with us." He gestured, giving his brother the floor like he was a guest speaker.

Ramoth played along and bowed his head dramatically. He tapped Neosa's sides so that they could all sit in a triangular shape.

Neosa moved to the left and repositioned to a center split, sitting upright with her supple legs extended in opposite directions. She crossed her arms and kept her wide hips aligned with her straightened legs.

Ramoth sat in his signature position with his left knee close to his chest and his left elbow resting on his knee while his fist cushioned his chin.

Musa just sat normally, with his arms behind him and his legs in front of him in a posture of relaxation.

Ramoth grabbed some lemons and juggled them as he spoke. "So there I was, minding my own business, about to make a wisecrack joke, when all of a sudden, Ayata's deity butted in and spoiled everything! Including the final blow!"

Ramoth let the lemons fall to the grass one by one in a sequence of comedic tap sounds for added effect. He pulled his left eyelid. "I saw him without seeing him. By that I mean I saw the mirror of him without seeing the reflection of him. Tss, tss, tss, fucking garbage. I really wanted to catch a glimpse of how he's grown. I bet he's got looks that kill. His deity certainly looked at Set with killing eyes. Ah!"

He exclaimed like something had poked his eyeballs. "I wanna wage war with him so badly. Set felt so ecstatic! And Lovouta! It was like feeling a barrage of arrows being shot right at me!" Ramoth shuddered like he was on the verge of blowing his load from happiness.

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