Chapter 140: Lord

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Lovouta's log, because I know you're reading this thinking that my apple ass is sitting on a log as I record this. Well done! You're absolutely spot on. I'll blow you a kiss as a reward. Can you catch it?

Rani Lovouta was literally sitting on a log in her tight-fitting crimson hooded dress with the hood down, high up by a flat stretch of a mountain as she wrote and blew her kiss for the winds of Zatalia to transport to whoever the fuck would read her logbook. Probably her future herself.

Anyway, enough about you, you sexy bastard, let's talk about me, the lascivious bitch. After discovering the truth about my grandfather, I must confess to feeling extremely disappointed. I was adamant that I would discover something beneficial to my current shithole of a predicament that he created. Perhaps the fault lies in me trying to give him the benefit of the doubt. He did use the power of Atum to erase salient memories from history. Why bother chasing after the past if he didn't want anyone else to dissect it?

Lovouta flapped her lips, turning the page to begin at the top, scratching her grandfather's name off.

Which has led me to zone in on my grandmother Isees instead. Every measure has a countermeasure, thus it is safe to assume that said countermeasure lies not only in myself, but in Mausī Mariya too. The information at hand isn't something contained in any text or manuscript. Even if she had the chance, she must have feared that Ra would someday "see" it, hence her reasoning for making things undocumented, unseen to the naked eye and the divine eye. In other words, I have to interpret her leftovers correctly like I'm digging inside a bin for apple cores that contain the seeds I need, something Nephthery has expertly done.

She paused, frowning.

By the way, I've never understood why people don't eat the entire apple. What a waste! Here's a tip for you. If you can't stomach any more food, then please for the love of the Lord, which is me, as your Lordship, don't discard it. Package the remains and give it to another person who's stomach isn't full. Recycle! Share! Gosh. Is that too much to ask for?

That was one of the first lessons her mother gave her. Either eat all your food, or give your food to someone else who didn't have any food.

To demonstrate, Lovouta pulled out an apple as red as blood. She bit into the flesh and made a satisfied sound as she swallowed a mouthful. Sweet, crispy and delicious. Then she proceeded to devour the whole thing like a black hole, all around, from top to bottom, including the stem, ingesting the seeds too until there was nothing left to eat. Because during her years as a beggar, she considered herself lucky just to find the core of an apple.

Now you might be asking. She licked her fingers and went back to writing. Why not just ask Mpho to show me more memories of the past in the dream plane? Why bother with research when you have The Gifted One? Tempting, very tempting. However, that makes the hunt too easy. That's like asking your teacher to do all your work for you. The fuck is the point in that? I prefer collecting clues like an investigator. I have to figure this mess out myself. I have a big brain don't I? It would shrink if I didn't use it.

Here's a no brainer for you. If you aren't experiencing a headache, then your mind isn't being tested, then it's not growing at all. It's like being imprisoned. To free yourself from your box, you have to think outside of your boxed confinement. How else do you think I escaped jail so many times? Well, except the last time. You know, when Aya and I nearly got the death penalty. Anyway, Mpho said that I was closer than Mausī Kami was, and that she would only help if she deemed it necessary.

Lovouta's red lips formed a crescent smile. I like that she and I are on the same wavelength in that department. How else can I learn if she just spoonfed me like a malnourished baby with a pot belly? That might have worked if I was a child, but as you can tell, I stopped being a child when I was nine. Hell, look at my sugarpea! Omphile is the cutest child there is, and yet, she isn't really a child, is she? Don't be fooled by her physical age when she has no age to begin with. Not that I'm complaining. I don't want her to grow up!

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