Chapter 4 - Bad Boys like Golden Girls

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Ryders POV🐯

I sit in class pissed off with what had happened. What annoyed me more than not being able to wipe that fucking smile off Dylan's face with my fist was that stupid new girl who had come to school today. 

The way she looked so perfect with her perfect clothes, hair, and makeup like a spoiled little barbie brat pissed me off. There was something about her that drew me in and I had no idea what it was.  Especially because she was not my type, not that I had a specific type, I was more of a one-night stand kind of guy and this girl looked like a prissy princess.

What caught me by surprise however was the way she stood up to me and I have to be honest, it turned me on a little. I couldn't believe the words that came out of her mouth, it most definitely did not match my perception of her, I thought she would be one of those plastic girls who would giggle and bat their eyelashes, always used to getting their way because they were hot. But she had a mouth on her and she wasn't afraid to use it to stand up for herself. 

I shift uncomfortably in my seat trying to focus on anything else apart from her to stop myself from getting a hard-on. Right now all I could imagine was her fully naked under me, screaming my name while I taught her a lesson -  to not mess with me and run her mouth at me. I groaned trying to focus on other things like Dylan's stupid face which calms my hard-on almost immediately

''Can I come in'' I looked up and see her come in shyly and I groan again rolling my eyes. I just got her out of my mind and there she was in the same class as me. 

"Great'' I muttered to myself. She walks in and stops in the front facing the entire class.  Mr. Grey our English Lit teacher smiles at her brightly and asks her to introduce herself. She smiles at everyone and then her eyes fall on me at which point her smile falters and her face drops a little. 

She quickly averts her eyes from me and looks somewhere else. I smirk at her reaction, "So the little princess is not so brave without her burly knights in shining armor around her'' I drawl to myself and whack the guy who is sitting in the front of his head when he turns around and looks at me like I was crazy to talk to myself considering how both the seats on either side of me were empty. 

I looked around and I can see all the guys staring at her as if she had dropped out of heaven eyes open, drooling, flexing their muscles... Jesus... I rolled my eyes, all these fuckers just wanted a piece of her, granted she was drop-dead gorgeous with a killer body but I was pretty certain she was plastic and fake, that was how all these girls were, only good for a one-night stand. 

But although I kept repeating this in my head there was something about her that was annoying me and I just couldn't put my finger on it. Was it the pretend innocence or her sassiness... Goddammit, I could have any of the girls I want in this damn school and for some reason, this one is starting to get stuck in my head. 

I look back at her and heard her introduce herself. "Hi my name is Annabeth, I am from Iowa, I moved here with my parents because my mom got a new job here'' she stopped looking at Mr. Grey almost pleadingly to let her go. 

Mr. Grey seemed oblivious, the way he always was "And hobbies Annabeth'' he urged her on. She paused like she was thinking about something and the struggle in her head was super evident on her face to me, it was like she wanted to say something but she didn't want to say it, after a few seconds, she seems to have made up her mind and she looks up at the class smiling while she answers "I like painting'' and then she smiled at Mr. Grey who motions her to sit down and she walks up to one of the empty seats in the front left side far away from me and sits down. 

"And yelling'' I called out and the whole class looked at me 

Mr. Grey sighs tiredly when he sees it was me" What was that Ryder?'' I smirk and look at her rigid back as she was seated a few rows ahead of me and wouldn't turn back to look at me. 

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