Chapter 7- Of Parties & Him

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Annabeth POV💖

I was sitting in front of Amelie's mirror applying mascara while she was seated on the bed behind me  watching me intently, I could see the small smile hovering on her face in the mirror's reflection as she watched me intently 

"Done'' I close the mascara tube and place it on the table before I stand up and twirl for Amelie.

"So how do I look ?" I smile at her. She jumps up excitedly clapping her hands. "Omg you look really beautiful, you need to teach me how to put makeup on like this, it's almost flawless" 

I shrug my shoulders at her and plop myself on the bed next to her. 

I look at her excited face and smile, I was super relieved that we were at her house and not mine, because by now mum would have come in and probably lectured us on the flaws in our outfits and makeup. I look at my phone to see a message from Dylan. He was on the way to pick us and should be here in another five minutes. I had checked with Amelie earlier about getting picked up by Dylan, and she was ok with it so I had texted Dylan the address. He replied almost immediately with a winking emoji. 

It had taken me a while to convince mum to let me get ready at Amelie's house. Finally what got her convinced was when I used Dylan as an excuse.  Until then she kept insisting that I invite Amelie over to get ready but I just wasn't ready for Amelie to meet my crazy mother. So I showed her Dylan on Facebook and lied that he had suggested that we go together from Amelie's house because they were friends. Mum bought the story and was really proud that I had snagged a handsome boy on my first day.

But before I could leave for Amelie's she spent the next one hour going through my entire wardrobe and then finally agreed on a black off-shoulder dress with a thigh slit. I wasn't sure if this was appropriate or too much for the party but since I got my way with mum letting me get ready at Amelie's house, I let her have this one victory. While I was at it, I also got her to agree that I could stay at Amelie's house for tonight, mum had a fashion event out of town and she would only be back by tomorrow morning, so I convinced her that I would be better off with Amelie rather than alone at home and after some initial hesitation she finally agreed. 

Once I got to Amelie's house I met her mom who was a lawyer and super nice yet strict, like a normal mother should be. She was a carbon copy of Amelie with green eyes and the same mannerisms and from the way, they both interacted it was quite evident that they were very close.  She fed me cookies, and gave us both strict warnings against drinking and talking to boys and a curfew of 10:00 pm which we negotiated to 11:00. It was such a stark contrast talking to a mom who actually cared if her daughter drank or not and I felt drawn to her.

Now that we were ready I look over at Amelie who was wearing a simple cotton black dress, white sneakers, and minimal makeup and I felt envious of her. She looked so comfortable unlike how I was feeling especially with what I was wearing. I had left my hair down in loose curls and applied make-up the way my mom had taught me to. Once I was done I take a selfie and share it with mum waiting for her response when the doorbell rang.  Amelie jumped up and grabbed her purse and my hand and dragged me downstairs. 

To say she was super excited to be going to her first high school party was an understatement. I check my phone on the way downstairs and sees a thumbs up from my mum, which meant that she was ok with the way I was dressed. If she was impressed she would have sent me a smiling emoticon, so I just sigh knowing that she would give me feedback on what I could have done better with my appearance tomorrow when she's back. 

We make it downstairs and as we pass Amelie's mum she put her hands on her hips and says in a stern voice "Be good girls now, no drinking, be responsible, and stay away from boys, at this age all they want is...well you know...and teenage pregnancy is not what we want in this household"  I smile at her and watch enviously as Amelie hugs her mom goodbye. I can't honestly remember the last time my mum hugged me and I wonder if my mum ever worried about me when I was out, for some reason I felt like she didn't even care as long as I didn't do anything that embarrassed her.

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