Chapter 10 - Shes my Hero

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Ryder's POV🐯

I look at my messages as I make my way back to the front of the house. Seeing one from James I open it and start responding

James[text]: Ryder wtf happened, I heard you got jumped, are you and the bois ok?

Ryder[text]: Yea we all good, need to talk to you, I'll swing by tomorrow night. 

James[text]: K come by 7:00 pm 

I put my phone away and look back to make sure Annabeth was following me, sure enough, she was back on the swings. I run my hand through my hair and sigh in frustration.  I wasn't sure why I was putting myself through this drama, she was evidently drunk and I normally did not put up with shit like this. But something about her made me keep wanting to save and protect her perky little ass. 

I was past the point of denying that I was attracted to her, but I knew there could be nothing between us, For one I didn't think she was the kinda girl who would let guys sleep with her for one night, she seems like a  boyfriend, romance, flowers relationship kinda girl and that's something that I didn't do, plus my lifestyle could not really accommodate a girlfriend right now.  

As I reach near the swings she jumps off and starts running away from me in her heels laughing the whole time. I shake my head in amusement and chase after her, it wasn't too difficult to catch up with her especially because she was tipsy and in heels. I grab her by the hand turn her around pull her close to me and pick her up under her knees bridal style. She looks up at me with those beautiful eyes and reaches her arms around my neck clasping them together. I look down at her, controlling myself for the hundredth time tonight from kissing her. I walk towards the front of the house and just before we get to where everyone is I slowly put her down on her feet and gestured to her to walk. 

Her face drops and I know what she is thinking, she is wondering if I put her down so no one would see me carry her, which was actually the truth. Trust me she'll thank me tomorrow. The last thing she needs is for people from school to see her being carried out by me from some dark isolated spot, they know my reputation and she'll get tagged as easy which is something I don't want for her.

She sticks her tongue out at me and turns and walks away swaying her ass. 

"Fuck" this girl had no clue what she was doing to me, I just wanted to go grab her and lay her face down across my knee, and spank her perky butt for teasing me like this. The sexual frustration was getting to a point where I knew I would explode and do something to her if I was alone with her for another second.   I follow her and we get to the front of the house where I spot Bryan and Amelie huddled together deep in conversation. Bryan was smiling and Amelie was... hold on a way... I leave his ass there for half an hour with the girl and somehow they seem to be together. Bryan notices us coming and walks up to me while Annabeth goes off to Amelie and hugs her. 

"What did you do Bryan'' I standoff a little far from the girls where I can still see them but they can't hear us.  He shrugs his shoulder a light blush appearing on his cheeks" Hey she's pretty cool man, not like the other chicks we hang out with"

I look at him shaking my head again" Alright, we need to get the fuck out of here now, and we have to drop the girls off " 

"Yea we should drop them, let's go" Bryan jerked his head in the direction of where we parked. I raised my eyebrow at him, I was pretty certain he would argue and say that we shouldn't take the girls home because I act weird around Annabeth but the half-hour alone with Amelie seems to have made him more aligned to my thought process. I remind myself to have a chat with him about this tomorrow.  Bryan nods his head in the direction of the girls  "Maybe they'll be our alibi'' he looks at me questioningly and then back at them. 

I follow his gaze and look at Annabeth, she was absolutely adorable, cuddling with Amelie, fuck if she was mine I wouldn't even let her out of my arms.  Right now I was feeling jealous of her closeness with Amelie,  I wanted to be the only one at the receiving end of all that love and least she was wearing my hoodie, that calmed the beast down in me, I have no clue why I was so possessive of this girl but she was definitely driving me crazy. 

I shook my head ridding it of my thoughts. 'Hold up" I gently pushed Bryan out of the way "There comes my alibi"  I saw a drunken guy start approaching Annabeth and Amelie as they stood there hugging and laughing. 

"You wanna gome haf some fun with me'' he slurred at them. As I walked over I saw both the girls start laughing at his slurred accent. I shook my head as I got there and I drawl" What do we have here?" 

The guy looked up at me "I was here firsht Buddy'' he stumbles onto me. I steady him by the shoulders and then shove him, clenching my hands at my side ready to take a punch from him, all for my alibi. ''Hey,'' he swayed up to me trying to throw a punch but missing my face, and he stumbles past me. I roll my eyes. This was going to be difficult. I step back and position myself in the way of his next punch and it hit my face. The punch lacked energy but my face was already busted so it hurt like a bitch. "Fuck fuck fuck" I swear with my eyes closed

Just as I open my eyes I hear Annabeth scream and the next thing I know she was kicking the drunk guy in the knees, shin, and balls with her heels. "Take that your creepy asshole" she shrieks while kicking him hard. I couldn't stop laughing, it was the funniest thing that I had ever seen. The poor guy was so drunk off his face that he was taking it badly, he was now on the ground doubled up still getting kicked by  Anna.

I walk up to her and pick her up by the waist from behind narrowly missing her elbow that she aims for my face. She twists around and sees me " Oh sorry it's you, I thought it was some more of his buddies" I hold her by the waist her back leaning into me  and started walking pushing her along and steadying her as she walked. I looked back and saw Bryan and Amelie follow still engrossed in conversation. 

 "Did you see how I saved you with my heels, now who laughing ...I told you they are useful...Thank god I was there or else he would have beaten you to a pulp" I snicker hearing her proud tone. 

"What?" She tilts her face up to look at me as she walks 

" What are you laughing about?'' she furrows her eyebrows and goes back to walking mumbling under her breath about how she should have left me there to die. I control my laughter and clear my throat "Umm princess, thank you for saving my ass back there, I must say I am very impressed with your heels and your fighting techniques and skills,  you have my eternal gratitude". I let go of her when we get to the car and turn her around, pick her up and put her on Bryan's car's bonnet. 

"Not my bonnet brooooo, she'll dent it" I could hear Bryan screaming as he comes down with Amelie. "I'm not that fat that Ill dent his car am I ?" Annabeth huffs out angrily. 

"No your not princess I smile and take her down from there. I swear this whole night I have been trying to find excuses to touch her.

 Bryan comes up to me and whispers in my ear "Do you umm mind sitting in the back with Annabeth, I want Amelie in the front" 

I wiggle my eyebrows suggestively at him "Yea bro for sure" I smile at him internally happy that I was going to get to sit with Annabeth in the back. I help Annabeth into the back seat of the car and am just about to get in when I hear a voice behind  me 

"Ryder.. what the fuck are you doing with her "

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