Chapter 49- The Calm Before The Storm

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Annabeth POV🦄

"So what should I do?"

I open my eyes and look at Bryan who was standing over me with his arms folded staring at me expectantly.

We were at Ryders house and I was lying comfortably on his couch while Colton was laying on the rug flicking through Netflix.

I look up at Bryan, not wanting to admit that I had dozed off but knowing that I had no choice but to tell him the truth considering how he was expectantly looking for an answer to God knows what question of his.

I lift my head and look for help over at Ryder who was in the corner doing push ups. He smirks at me  as he pushes up and I sigh knowing that he wasn't going to help me.

It had been a few days since our argument about Lilah and things had been going well. Ryder and I tried to make the most of our time together at school since I told him I wanted to go home on time and try and spend more time with mum.

He wasn't too happy about it but he agreed.  I think if he could have his way, he would make me move in with him.

Everyone in school had stopped with the staring and apart from the occasional snide comments from Claire and her posse no one else said anything. Even Dylan and his friends acted like I didn't exist which was fine. I just wanted to finish high school with no more drama. On the other hand things with mum were slowly improving .

She wasn't still full on talking to me but I think she noticed me coming home on time and making an effort so when she asked me to go hang out with my friends on the weekend which was something I never thought I would hear from her I was glad I made the effort.

Which brings me to where I am now hanging out at Ryders with Colton and Bryan.

"Tell me Anna" Bryan stomps his foot .

''Ummm you should do that thing that you wanted to do"

Bryan glares at me before he starts pulling at his hair '"What thing... omg you weren't even listening to me.  I expect this from these douches but not from you" he flops onto a chair covering his face with his hands.

I feel bad for Bryan so I quickly sit up and kick Colton. He looks up at me from the carpet and mouthed Amelie and birthday. 

I look at Ryder who is still smirking at me through his push ups and I stick my tongue out at him before turning my attention to Bryan who still had face covered by his hands.

"Of course I listen to you Bryan I was just teasing you"  I watch as Bryan looks up at me all hopeful.

"All you need to do is take her somewhere nice where it's just the two of you and spend time with her.  I know Amelie and all she would want for her birthday is to be with you no matter where it is. So I'm going to speak to her mum and tell her she's going to stay with me next Friday and pick her up drop her to you so she is surprised and then you bring her back Saturday afternoon and drop her to mine and I'll take her back. "

Bryan jumps up off the couch and  bear hugs me while Ryder growls from the corner at which point Bryan quickly takes his arms off me.  I glare at Ryder. I swear this boy has a problem with everything.

Bryan looks at Colton "I'm gonna take her down to my parents cabin.  It's going to be so romantic" Colton just grunts in response so Bryan turns back to me. "Thank you Anna you are officially my new best friend" he glares at both Ryder and Colton

I turn around as Ryder walks up to me and pulls me into his arms holding me from behind and I lean into him. I swear I'll never get tired of his constant need to touch me or hold me. I love his warmth it makes me feel alive.   He kisses me softly on the back of my head before whispering in my ear " Considering how much Amelie likes alone time with her bf , mine won't even see me after school or let me sneak into her room at night"
I turn around and smack him on the chest. "I told you it's only for a little while until things with mum improve a bit, I don't want to aggravate her anymore, I feel bad for her''

He pulls back and stares at me " I agreed to one week princess and as far as I am concerned, it's  over. I need my gf whenever I want her plus I really don't think your mum deserves you" 

I open my mouth to argue but then shut it. We had this conversation before and Ryder had declared that he would never forgive my mother for hitting me. I decide to leave it for now and turn around to see Colton and Bryan making their way out the front door .

"Hey where are you guys going? I thought we were still planning? " I feel Ryder shooing them from behind me.

Bryan smiles at me " Na you guys need your alone time plus now we have a plan it's just a matter of execution baby" he smiles.

Colton shakes his head" The truth is Amelie just messaged him so he's running off to her" he grimaces and steps out following Bryan. " See you later guys". He hesitates for a second and then looks at Ryder ''Are we still on for tonight?'' Ryder nods his head and Colton leaves closing the door firmly behind him. 

''What's happening tonight?'' I turn around to face Ryder. ''Nothing just wanted to hang with them'' he shrugs not meeting my eyes. I let out a soft sigh, Ryder still kept so many secrets from me, but every time I asked him anything related to his fighting or James or these meetings he would always say that it was for the best that I did not know anything. I was trying to be patient with him and give him time, but it was getting a bit annoying now. 

"So" Ryder walks up to me " I finally get my girlfriend all to myself without any distractions" he leans down to kiss me but then stops. I look at him " What? "

He looks everywhere but at me " You know I don't think I've ever taken you out anywhere fancy like on dates and stuff and maybe that's what you expect so... maybe I'll take you for dinner somewhere nice? "

He shuffles his feet uncomfortably. " I mean Bryan's always doing these things for Amelie and you might be upset that I'm not and.."

I feel my heart warming up at how cute he looked right now, uncertain of what to do and what not, and I smile at him. I walk close to him and launch myself onto him. He looks surprised but does not even falter as he holds me up with my legs wrapped around him.  The boy definitely had strength.

I wrap my arms around his neck and slowly kiss him. " Ry all I want is you.  We could just stay here and cuddle and cook something and just be with each other. I don't want fancy dinners dates or anything I just want to be with you" I rest my head against his forehead and watch him smile.  "God your amazing" he whispers when his phone starts ringing. 

I see his brow furrow when he answers the call. ''Hey coach, what's up? '' he listens intently to the conversation on the other side, and then looks at me as he replies ''No I don't think I can do tonight me and Anna are going to have dinner here so.. '' I shake my head at him and whisper ''If he's inviting us for dinner I want to go'' . Ryder looks at me and covers the phone with his hand '' Are you sure... '' I nod my head ''Yes I am sure'' . He smiles at me and continues on the phone ''Actually its fine we'll come over for dinner, I know I haven't seen Lilah this last week, so it would be good to catch up with her as well''. 

I cuddle into Ryder a smile forming on my face. So he hasn't been to see her. He hadn't mentioned her ever since the argument we had and a small part of me did wonder if he was hiding it from me. Anyway it was a good thing we were going there, I am super fond of Coach and Crystal and I think its high time I let Lilah know where I stand in Ryders life. 

Ryder hangs up and pulls me close to him ''Are you sure you want to go ? I can still cancel, plus if we need to go we need to start heading out now, and I really wouldn't mind just spending some time with you here'' 

I snuggle into his further '' I want to go Ryder I really like Coach and Crystal plus I really want to make an effort with Lilah, if I am in your life I want to be a part of everything that happens in your life'' I pull back and look at him as he gazes at me fondly. He leans down and kisses the tip of my nose. ''Alright princess'' 

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