Chapter 20 - A pissed off Bad Boy

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Annabeth POV💖

The last thing I expected was to be picked up and tossed over Ryder's bare shoulder. Although I couldn't complain about the view as I had a front-row view of his toned butt. I could feel his sinewed muscles rippling as he moved towards a room, kicking it shut behind him and he dropped me unceremoniously onto the couch. He moves in closer to my face with his arms caging me in, all I could see was the uncontrollable rage in his eyes as he gritted his teeth and spat out 

"What the fuck are you doing here princess, I'll give you ten seconds to explain yourself before I flip you over and spank you so bad that you'll think twice before acting like such an idiot again"

I contemplate not responding to him, to see if he'll go through with his threat but looking at his beaten up face I couldn't bring myself to torment him anymore. My heart was aching at the condition of his face, the bruising from the previous day still prominent on his handsome face, new ones now appearing and sweat and blood trickling down his cheeks. Why would anyone do this to themselves? 

He raises his eyebrows questioningly 

"I..I..umm wanted to talk you about something " I stuttered out and look down playing with the hem of his hoodie. 

Ryder sighs and flops down on the couch next to me and he turned his body, stretched out, and rests his head on my lap. I moved my arms in surprise giving him space to rest his head. 

He licked his lower lip and stared up at me reaching his hand up to play with my hair "What was so fucking important that you couldn't wait a day princess ?'' he looks at me, not as angry as before thankfully.

Now I feel like an idiot, how do I tell him that I came this whole way to talk about a kiss, a kiss that made him run away. I feel super insecure and a little silly as well and I rack my brain trying to think of a different reason that brought me here. 

'Umm was..I.." I stop and look down at him again to see a smile form on his face "This is a first, you're lost for words, normally you would have some snappy comeback ready for me''. 

I look at his beautiful face and feel my heart literally clenching. How could this boy invoke such intense feelings in me over just a few days? I bring my hand up and trace his face carefully avoiding the bruises which were so many that it was a difficult task. He swallows and his eyes darken, he reaches his hand up and holds my chin tenderly, and pulls my mouth down to him, ever so slowly. I close my eyes as my lips are an inch away from his ready to feel his warm lips on me when I hear the door suddenly open and shut. 

Ryder quickly let go of and me and jumps up into a sitting position on the couch. I look up blushing slightly to see Ryder's coach standing in front of us.  He threw a towel and a bottle at Ryder which he catches and he places a first aid kit and an ice pack on the table near the couch.  " So the rumours are true, Ryder has a missus" he jerks his chin at me "The name's Johnny, although lover boy there hasn't told me anything about you which I am a little upset about"

I smile at him "My name's Anna, short for Annabeth" 

"She is not my fucking girl Johnny'' I looked at Ryder who was ignoring me and wiping himself with the towel. I was feeling whiplash with his bipolar attitude. One minute he was all up on me the next he was acting like I was a stranger. I start feeling a little annoyed and upset at him so I move a little away from him on the couch leaving some space between us and I fold my arms and look at him. He just gave me a quick emotionless look and then opens the bottle and starts drinking water all the while avoiding eye contact with me. 

Johnny snorted " Yeah right, that's why you chased her around the ring like a lunatic, picked her up like a rag doll and brought her here to make out with .. "

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