Chapter 46 - New Dramas

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Ryder POV🐯🐯🐯

I look at Bryan and Colton having a wrestling match on the couch while we wait for Anna and I can't help but grin at them. Right now Colton was definitely winning and he had Bryan in a headlock which he was struggling to get out of. 

''Colton let me go you fucking twat'' Bryan gasps for air. I shake my head at them in amusement before I turn around just in time to see Anna come running out before she launches herself on Colton ''Get off him Colton, he could die'' she shrieks and swats Colton on the arm at which point he lets go and gives her a half-smile. 

I am amazed at the way this girl has inserted herself into our little world. Even the stoic Colton now shows more emotion and the boys care for her not just because she was with me but because of who she was. I smile fondly at them and gesture at Anna to come over. She comes and tries and sit next to me on the couch but I pull her onto my lap. God knows I couldn't resist having her as close to me as possible. I snuggle into her while Bryan whispers to Colton as to how much of a whipped bitch I was not, but I couldn't care less, all I wanted was her with me. 

Colton looks over sternly at Anna as she snuggles into my chest ''Listen, Anna at the fight I want you to stay with us, no excuses, do you understand'' 

Anna nods her head vigorously and I can't help but kiss her deeply before we leave. Colton and Bryan both groan and make puking sounds and I flip them the finger while I smile as I kiss her. 

I pull away from her resting my forehead against mine''Right, let's go'' I crack my neck ready for my fight today.


Anna's POV💝💝💝

The crowd was even crazier this week than it was last week but Ryder stayed true to his promise and finished his fight in half-hour with minimal injuries. The way he fought was just amazing, it's like he could read the other fighter's mind and anticipate all his moves. 

Right now we were sitting in his dressing room, while he listened intently to coach talk him through who his next opponent was going to be. I slowly look at my watch and sigh. It was getting to 8:00 pm and my dad had already called twice since he got home. I told him I would be home soon and I felt bad making him wait. 

I nudge Ryder softly and make a pouty face at which point he smiles at me pulls me in for a hug. ''Come on princess let's take you home'' Coach shakes his head at me affectionately and smiles at me ''Anna will you come for dinner tomorrow. Lila wants to meet you and it will be good''

I can't help but get a little stiff, considering what James had told me about Ryder stealing her from him but I just shrug the feeling and nod my head at him. I feel Ryder's gaze on me when he felt me stiffen a bit but he chooses to not say anything. 

Coach looks at his phone as it chimes ''In fact why don't we meet her quickly now. She just pulled up in the parking, she was coming to pick me up, my motorbike won't start'' he smiles wryly at Ryder. 

Ryder chuckles as he shakes his head at Coach ''I'll swing by tomorrow and fix it up before dinner'' He smirks at coach ''Although I have told you a million times that you're too old to be riding a motorbike'' 

Coach just glares at Ryder ''I'm not too old. Now get out of here and be back in for practice tomorrow. Just coz you got a sweet girl I'm not going to let you slack'' 

Ryder smiles at coach and stands up extending his hand out to me. He looks over at coach as I take his hand ''Is she outside?'' 

Coach nods his head ''Yea she was a little hesitant to come here since she could run into James, but when I told her you were here she just came, it's good that she's starting to deal with her fears, I just want her to have a normal life you know'' he smiles softly at Ryder before he continues

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