Chapter 40 - First Date

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Authors Note

Hey guys, so sorry that I have been missing for a while now! Truth is that  I was terribly sick and had to be admitted to the hospital. But the good news is that I am all better and back now :) The plus side was the fact that I had so much free time that I could think about all the plots for the coming chapter :). So my updates will be faster. Thank you lovelies for reading my story while I was gone! I will continue to post from today :) 

PS:- There is a little bit of mature content down there, so beware :)

Annabeth POV💖

I watch Ryder as he pulls into a house that I was not familiar with, it was a two-story house with grey walls and I look at him questioningly. He just smiles softly at me and gets out of the car without a word. I step out and look at him again" Whose house is this Ryder?" 

He smiles and holds his hand out to me "This is my house, well my parent's house actually it's now mine" I walk into the house with him and smile at how homey and welcoming it felt, it looked more like a home than mine ever did and it was evident that someone had put a lot of love into decorating it. Ryder points at a couch and I sit down. He walks up and picks up a photo from a table and hands it to me. "This is my mum, you would have loved her if you had a chance to meet her" I look at the photo and my eyes focus on a beautiful smiling woman holding a 3-year-old boy close to her in a hug. " I run my fingers over the photo "She is beautiful" I smile softly at him. 

He shakes his head and take the photo off me and puts it back on the table "Yea she was beautiful, I hope you dont mind that I brought you here, I didn't want to take you out anywhere, I wanted our first date to be special so I thought I'll cook for you if that's ok" he looks at me uncertainly "I mean I can take you out to a restaurant if that's what you prefer..."

I stand up and wrap my arms around him beaming at him "Absolutely not, I love it. I didn't know you could cook" He walks into the kitchen holding my hand in his and checks the oven. "I made lasagne and there is wine, that's what I know how to cook the best, hope you like it" I smile at him and help him set the table, light the candles and he flicks the lights off. He pours us both a glass of wine and I take a sip as he serves me lasagne on a plate. 

I take a bite and my eyes widen "Oh my god this is delicious, you need to teach me" Ryder grins from across the table "Yea, when you move in here, you can do all the cooking you want" I bite my lip and grin at him "When I move in here?" He looks a little shy almost as if those words had slipped out of his mouth "Yea, you will move in with me at some point right?" 

I blush slightly and smile at him not sure how to respond to that. Did I want to move in with him? I meant it was too early but I did love spending all my time with him. We continue eating, talking about different things. Ryder tells me stories of how he was as a child and it was all about his mum and how she used to take him to school and look after him. It was evident that their bond was strong and I was a little envious that I never got to experience that with my mum.

Once we finish dinner I help him clear the table and wash the dishes. The tension in the room is palatable, I had already downed three glasses of wine and I wondered if we would take our physical relationship any further. I dry the last dish and put it back in the cupboard and turn to face him staring at me. 

"What are you staring at?" I swat his hand blushing slightly. He reaches out and pulls me into his arms  "Just how naturally you fit into my life, I'm so glad you are with me" He slowly leans down and kisses me our lips naturally molding together, he grabs my waist and pulls me closer to him and starts kissing down my neck. I can't handle all the feelings that were going through me and I slowly pull away from him as he groans. He rests his forehead against mine and smiles "Do you wanna go watch a movie in my room?" 

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