𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞

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𝐊𝐞𝐲 𝐟𝗼𝐫 𝐟𝐮𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞 𝐫𝐞𝐟𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐬:
(Y/n) your name


𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐬𝗼𝐧 𝐩𝗼𝐯
It's been about a week and a half since Mr.Naomasa and Mr.Sansa had visited me. The people that work here had moved me into a different place in this building. I think they're still upset that I didn't tell them my name but told Mr.Naomasa and Mr.Sansa.

The blue haired nurse said one of then were going to come and visit me again to talk about my living situation. If this visit is going to happen like last time I don't think I'll like it very much.

Today I got to go outside and into the garden. Mostly the older older adults are there in chairs that wheel around. I gave one of them a flower and in return they gave me a strawberry candy.

I was digging in the dirt until I heard my name being called. I turned around and saw Mr.Naomasa. He had regular clothes on and not those detective clothes. "Hello there (y/n) I'm here to finally talk about your living situation." He said crouching down to get to my level while I nodded my head.

𝐒𝐞𝐜𝗼𝐧𝐝 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐬𝗼𝐧 𝐩𝗼𝐯
You and Naomasa went to your new hospital room to discuss about the living situations. "I think we're just going to have you live with me until we can find you a foster home or an orphanage to place you in." Naomasa started off strong, "if you remember where you live we can go back to you home that you were living in a get a few things that you might want."

You nodded your head yes very fast making Naomasa worried that you might get light headed. "We can leave anytime-" "now please." You cut Naomasa off quickly. Naomasa straighten himself up and hummed in replied getting up out of the chair he was sitting in with you following.

He signed you out while some nurses were giving you some new clothes so you didn't have to walk out with a hospital gown. Once everything was all fine and dandy you two headed off to your old home.

When you got there Naomasa grimaced at the state your home was in. Bad neighborhood, falling down house, shady people almost in every alley way-. You pulling his hand into the house and him stumbling behind you as you were running.

Inside the house looked a lot better than the outside. Naomasa took a look around the living room while you started to talk to your stuffed bear.

He took a step forward and felt something under his shoe. It was a drawing.

'This must be Hinote.' Naomasa thought to himself looking around the room trying to find you. You entered the living room holding your stuffed bear a few drawings and some of your clothing in a plastic bag.

"What's going to happen to everything else?"

"Well, anything good will be put into thrift stores so others could buy it and have it in their homes or anything else that's not salvageable would have to be put away." Naomasa said scratching the back of his head. "What does salvageable mean?" You asked grabbing onto his hand walking out of the door.

"Well it means that if its good but old you can keep it." Naomasa explained the best he can with you dragging him to his car. "You must be excited to leave that place are you?" He said putting you in the car a buckling you up. You nodded you head as Naomasa went to the front seat of the car and started to drive.

You looked out of the window seeing buildings and people passing by quickly as the car moved. Now looking up at the sky and seeing the bright blue background and the white fluffy clouds making you tired a bit. Slowly closing your eyes you fell asleep.

When you woke up you found yourself cuddling the sky blue bear in a bedroom

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When you woke up you found yourself cuddling the sky blue bear in a bedroom. You didn't know where you were until you remembered what happened earlier that day. You were probably at Naomasa's house.

The room's door started to open with Naomasa coming into the room. He smiled slightly. "I'm going to have to go to the station and get some work done, you want to come?" He asked standing at the doorway. Your eyes shined and a small smile appeared in your face as nodded

You jumped out of bed and grabbed your stuffed bear and ran to wards Naomasa was standing having a slight bounce in your step. Naomasa grabbed your hand and you two went outside and drove in the car again down to the police station.

There you got to stay in a office with him drawing on some paper. Naomasa would ever so often glace at you and then back to his work to make sure you were okay.

You got up and took your drawing and headed towards the man pulling on his sleeve lightly. He looked up from his work and towards whatever you were trying to show him.

It was a drawing. Of him? Naomasa smiled and looked at you again rubbing the top of you head a taking the drawing. "Thank you so much (y/n), I'll hang it up somewhere later." The man said putting the drawing in on of the desks drawers.

The then phone rang on the desk. Naonasa picked it up and he sighed. "I guess we'll have to go on a little field trip (y/n)."


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