𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐰𝐞𝐥𝐯𝐞

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𝐊𝐞𝐲 𝐟𝗼𝐫 𝐟𝐮𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞 𝐫𝐞𝐟𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐬
(Y/n)-your name


𝐒𝐞𝐜𝗼𝐧𝐝 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐬𝗼𝐧 𝐩𝗼𝐯
Going back to school was terrible for you. You barely paid attention to class and you had no friends other than that one girl from recess. You haven't seen Akio and his sister Ichika since you met them at that play ground.

"Alright, time for recess everyone!" Aoi announced making all of the kids get up and crowd the door that lead out side. Aoi opened the door and a wave of kids bursting outside with you straggling behind.

Sitting down on the sidewalk you waiting for that girl to come over to you. She does eventually. "Yumiko, that's my name." She said picking at her nails. "(Y/n), that's mine."

For a few minutes it was quiet. You didn't know how to spark up a conversation with Yumiko. She was a new person to get used to. "Did you like the flowers I gave you the other day?" She questioned. "Yeah, they were pretty." You replied with Yumiko giving you a hum.

"Come here I wanna show you something." She said grabbing your wrist and taking you somewhere. It was pretty far from where the other kids would play at. She took you to the wood line that sat at the edge of the schools property line.

Making a way for you to go in you followed her into a clearing with a bunch of flowers. She sat in the middle and laid back. You didn't know what else to do so you followed her actions.

"This is where I go since I don't like the other kids," Yumiko spoke up, "but since I like you, I showed you." She turned her head at you. "You're different, you make me want to be friends with you."

She had a angry expression on her face. Wasn't being friends a good thing? "My mommy said its nice to get friends, but I think everyone else is annoying," the orange haired girl continued, "I just want to stay inside all day and be to myself, and maybe you."

She turned back to the sky and grabbed your hand, intertwining your fingers with hers. "Maybe being friends with you won't be such a big deal.." She mumbled.

She was doing all of the talking while you had no idea of what to say. It was awkward to hear her rant to you but you just listened.

You heard from Yamada that it was good to listen to others when they want to release what they're penting up inside. Whether its negative or positive feelings you shouldn't make the other person suppress it.

"You're going to my birthday party on Saturday by the way," Yumiko blurts out, "my annoying cousin is going to be there and her brother is too, I want at least two people around my age I can actually tolerate." "I don't know what that last word means but okay." You replied with a slight giggle.

The conversation was cut short by the loud bell ringing signaling that it was time to go back inside. Getting up Yumiko grabbed your hand and ran towards the school dragging you behind her.

"See you." She says before going into her own classroom. You just waved awkwardly as your teacher took roll.


"How was school (y/n)?" Aizawa asked as he walked into the kitchen. "Good I guess, I got invited to a birthday party that is this Saturday." You hummed coloring in a page of homework. "That's nice, you think about any thing to give to them?"

"Maybe something with flowers, she likes those." You rambled. "Mhm, okay flowers." Aizawa wrote a little note and stuck it on the fridge. At the same time Yamada waltz right in the door and into the kitchen.

"Yo yo, I'm home!" He said doing pointer fingers. "Hi." You said looking up from your work then going back for it. "We gotta get something for (y/n)'s friends birthday soon." Aizawa said before going into the living room to sit down on the couch. "What'd I miss?" Yamada questioned.


Later that night you couldn't fall asleep. No matter what you did you just couldn't fall asleep. You tried counting imaginary sheep, closing your eyes, clearing your mind, and even moving around a lot to make you tired. But nothing worked.

Getting up out of your bed and going out of your bedroom door you went to the living room to see if anyone has slept there on accident.

Someone was there but not asleep. Yamada was awake watching some late night tv show he enjoys. Noticing you in the corner of his eyes he called out to you. "Watcha doing up (y/n)?"

"I can't sleep, and I wanna sleep though!" You walked up to him and sat on the couch. "Well maybe watching some TV will help, it always works for me!" He says ruffling up your hair.

You leaned onto the couch arm rest and started to watch the tv. The show that was on was supposed to be a comedy show. You are to young to understand most jokes, you'll have to ask Yamada or Aizawa about them later. But for now you gotta work on falling asleep.


Its half past twelve and you've finally fallen asleep. Yamada looked in the corner of his eyes and say your sleeping figure. Smiling slightly he picked you up and put you in your own bed so you didn't have to sleep on the couch.

He'd hate to be lectured by Aizawa about letting you sleep on the couch while the raven haired man has let you done it multiple times before.


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