𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐬𝐢𝐱𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧

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𝐊𝐞𝐲 𝐟𝗼𝐫 𝐟𝐮𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐞 𝐫𝐞𝐟𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐬:

(Y/n)-your name


𝐒𝐞𝐜𝗼𝐧𝐝 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐬𝗼𝐧 𝐩𝗼𝐯
Once the three of you were in the car you all headed to the shopping mall. "Hm, I wonder if we'll actually get anything." Yamada wondered as he was changing the radio station. "If we do, we should watch the price," Aizawa reminded, "we may be hero's and teachers but its not like we're getting paid all that much with me being an underground hero and you barely being in the top twenty we don't have much."

Yamada nods to Aizawas answer and found a radio station that plays rock 'n roll music so starts to jam to that for the rest of the ride. You were just sitting in the back seat watching everything pass by. Clouds, buildings, little trees, sometimes animals, children, and adults.  You didn't know why but you always felt the need to calm down and be quiet during car rides.


Finally at the shopping mall Yamada quickly does his own thing as Aizawa let's you pick which stores to go to. There aren't many children stores that interested you. There was this play area where parents put their children in. It was like a mini playground but made of foam and soft plastic. You insisted that you didn't want to go in there. Aizawa was glad, he didn't feel like getting a headache from children crying or yelling.

Soon Aizawa got a call from his phone so he guided you over to a water fountain. You didn't know why he did it but you just went along with it. In the fountain was multiple coins. 'Why would people just throw them in some water?' You thought to yourself.

Then you heard some laughs on the other side of the fountain so you decided to take a peak. On the other side you saw a familiar woman with a young girl and a older male. The familiar woman's daughter, the young girl, was throwing coins in the fountain while holding her fathers hand. The familiar woman then rubbed her belly, it was quite big possible baby bump, and sighed.

Then the woman spotted you. Her body turned pale and her eyes grew wide. "(Y/n)?" She mumbled. Then you figured out who she was. She's your mother. The one that abandoned you in that horrible apartment. She left your life for three years and barely being in it before that! "Mommy..." You mumbled back as your lip quivered.

"Are you alright dear, is there something wrong?" The older male, you assume is your mothers new husband or boyfriend, questioned. "Oh I'm fine dear, just the babys being fussy." You mother turned to him, smiled, and tapped her baby bump softly. "Alright (y/n), Yamada said to meet him at the food court, come on." Aizawa said getting your attention. You nodded and let him grab your hand.

As you were leaving the fountain you looked at your mother, she looked at you. She looked like she regretted what she did, but at the same time she looked like she didn't. She had a new family now. You sighed and looked forward, forgetting her now will be easier...


"Are you okay (y/n)?" Yamada asked you, "you haven't eaten any of your food." "You've also just been staring into space." Aizawa added. You nodded your head and started to eat your food. The two older males gave eachother worried looks. What they didn't know is what happened earlier. You mothers new life was still fresh in your mind and you didn't know how to just forget about it.

"So you see anything that you liked while shopping with Shouta?" Yamada tried to spark up a conversion. You shrugged your shoulders finished eating your lunch. Aizawa then got up. "Hey could you watch (y/n) for a bit, Nemuri asked me to get her something." The raven haired male asked. "Sure thing Shouts, (y/n) is in good hands!" Yamada replied.

Aizawa left and Yamada took you throughout the mall once more. "Let's see one more time if you want anything before we go." The blonde male said. You grabbed his hand and let him guide you to where ever in the mall.

"Oo look at that store!" Yamada gawked, "I remember when you first came to live at our place you had a few things from there!" You looked at the store. Indeed that was the same store where you got those funny looking pens from. You remember that you gave Akito your favorite that one day at the park.

You dragged Yamada in there, making him surprised. Letting go of his hand as you wondered around the store your eyes shined as you found your favorite type of pen.

It was a pen that was based off of clouds. The base was a blue background with different shapes of clouds on it. Sometimes the clouds would be in shapes of animals or flowers. While the topper of the pen was a puffball with googly eyes and a clear plastic cloud that sat on top of it.

You grabbed it out of the jar that it sat in and showed it to Yamada. "Wow that's a cool pen (y/n)!" He said grabbing it from your hand and inspecting it. "Yeah yeah!" You said slightly bouncing in your spot that you were standing in. "Hey how about we look around the store before just buying this okay?" Yamada said giving back the pen. You nodded and started to wonder around the store.

(Y/n) met his mother again! Wow! And she has a new family?! What do you think? Anyways, have a wonderful morning/afternoon/evening and I hope to see you in the next chapter!


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