Chapter 15

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She then noticed that they all looked somewhat divine, so she though that they actually may be the pandavas and decided instead of stressing her self she should ask them directly. She then asked about their dad and they replied he too has passed away. And slowly seeing that she was no harm, they finally opened up and told they wer the pandava's making her guess correct.

Realising that the time she landed was in was after the lakshagraha she thought inow that she can stay by their side she will stop draupadi's marriage to the five.but her mind thought of many things and While talking more she told them that she can't stay with them as she doesn't want to be a burden. They then scolded her and said they are family. Mata kunti specifically twisted her ears for speaking as such.

Then she went to mata kunti and apologised for her thoughts. Her eyes held such innocence that kunti immediately lightened up. The pandavas too mingled with her, she told them her real name is madirakshi and as they discussed their ages, and she started calling them all specifically.

yudhishtira and Bheema as yudi bhai and bheem bhai, while she was elder than nakul and sahadev so called them nehaj (fearless and cute just like how she found him) and sachet ( the one who is conscious mostly beccause he is trikal darshi). And for arjun she said she is slightly older by a few months so whatever name he prfers, and he said you slightly remind me of madhav so call me parth like him.

She also told her original name is madirakshi and so they can call her that as well as akshi, yudi , bheem and arjun called her akshi , while nakul and sahadev chose to call her adira jiji and kunti ma chose to call her Madi. At Kunti's choice Madirakshi teared up but quickly managed it.

Kunti however noticed the tears and chose to ask she just smile in response and said nothing escapes a mother's eye, and laughs saying it reminded her of her mothers who call her the same way. Noticing mothers she aske why she has many mother and madi replies her birth parents died when she was 3 and since then she had been living with another couple who were also like her parent so she gave them her parent position.

Akshi the next morning began her prayer routine once again and this time she once again mad the mud statues and began singingwith complete devotion. And just like before kunti and the rest too were immersed in her song that they forgot what they were doing. It calmed their hearts like never before.

Once done kunti asked her where she learnt it from, she said her parents had taught her this and she was a huge devotee of the tridev and trideviyan that she never missed her morning prayers unless in extreme trouble.

Whenever she was asked about her past she would change the topic really quickly, noticing this kunti told the pandavas to not ask anything as it wouldn't have been easy for a young girl to be alone. While this was partially true it was mostly because Ira wasn't sure if she should share that she was from the future, and also that she had nothing to prove her self.

These three days, from when she landed and her recovery period Karn felt a different kind of happiness just like he did with Ira and thought she was around but never saw when he tried and this time round he was more disappointed that even Duryodhan and Ashwathama noticed his restlessness.

He felt like some one close was in deep pain, and that was actually Ira's situation,but as soon as she woke up he felt betterHe clutched the bracelet even tighter many times to calm his reckless heart that it got into his friends notice, and they finally decided to ask him about what was troubling him.

He wasn't sure whether he should tell and finally decided to tell them. When they heard about his childhood friend they saw the love he had for Ira that he was willing to wait without knowing whether she would come back.

The two friends silently prayed that he gets her as they know that he will never be with anyone else. What they didn't know was that pitamah bheesma also heard about Ira and wondered why she had a deep impact on Karn.


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