chapter 58

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while karn and ira had met the 8 princes and returned back, duhassan on this other side was leaving no stone unturned to find them and shakuni too was helping him, the also took help from a rakshas clan the same family who ira had defeated and killed ( narkasur)

ever since the dyut after gandhari left hastinapur, shakuni being afraid his days would be numbered for gandhari the link he had was no longer present decided to manipulate king dridhashtra and duhassan such that no one can take him away. waiting for the right opportunity vidur was kicked out and he to went to Visala to be with his daughter Ira. 

vidur was mainly ashamed at what happened for he too had been tied up as he protested the most among the kuru elders and was tied up during the dyut. He first wasn't  sure if he can face Ira and was planning to got to a different kingdom with his wife who also considered Ira and her daughter.and she forced him to atleast go see her and apologise since she did not deserve what happened that day.

This was a wise decision for him cause Ira has seen him tied up and protesting while was still unheard.
With knowing that Madi had no issues with him he was glad since she was pure and he valued her a lot

As the years passed hastinapur was getting more and more into the influence of  the rakshas, and shakuni had fully brainwashed duhassan and dridhashtra, bhisma tried stop shakuni but failed everytime. Initially he would converse with vidur who now actually realised what real dharma was and tried to bring bhism to their side as when he talked to Ira she agreed to forgive him for remaining silent and watching as she was being attached by the kauravas all at once, but he said his oath to the throne forbade him from leaving.

Mata ganga who had been watch all the actions was deeply disappointed, so were vidur, gandhari , kunti who had hopes that bhisma would support the truth and dharma and not adharmis. However ira just watched she would ocassionally talk to mata ganga and each time she would try reduce mata gangas guilt for bhishmas actions while madi would always stop her from blaming her self.

Karn to wasn't sure what he could say about this as he too had tried to convince bhisma that he is not doing wrong by leaving hastinapur, but bhisma was head strong on his oath he kept repeating that his oath binds him to the throne of hastinapur and he shall be with the king as long as he lives. And plus this is his kingdom he cannot just leave it like this.

A few years that everyone tried convince bhishma, but his stubborn nature and actions showed them all that he was so misguided in his dharma that it was impossible to bring back on track and thus left him to his own, Ira and Karn tried their best and continued to reduce the rakshas from claiming power over the earth land they mostly focused on all other lands apart from hastinapur, and so over the thirteen years shakuni and duhassan had only help the rakshas claim most of hastinapur, any border outside was mainly protected with karn and ira's power.

Not everyone knew about this and it was secretive for most except their siblings the dwarka family and panchal family. The family members all adored Ira even more after all that had happened and her strengh to live on was comendable. Karn and ira over the 13 years were successful in bring all of aryavat under a common set of rules through treaties and sometimes brute force where required to ensure all subjects of a kingdom would face a fair and just system this lead them to be more properous.

With the years passing the agastyavas of the indraspath family had come to an end and they all finally everyone was happy to be meeting the family again and also looking to a future with peace and no animousity with their families. As yudhishter again to head of the kingdom indraspath, they sent a formal notice to hastinapur asking an apology and compensation of the that happened and a chance to redeem themselves after all they are all being sinners.

While shakuni and dhridhastra, duhassana were not ready for this indraspath had sent krishna for the peace talk and asked him to try make sure that the terms are agreed and the war and bloodshed is avoided since they had commited a crime during the dyut sabha and so yudhister had asked krishna to choose a punishment that he would deem fit for what ira had gone through while krishna already knew the outcome that the arrogance of the king and kuru prince would result in he still decided he can give it a try and see whether what was in devi niyati's hand could change the outcome.

Ira trusted krishna and so she too second that the punishment he chooses would be fit for what she faced plus she kind of had an inking that there would be no peace for the rakshas power had increased in hastinapur and so all the royals would never go for peace.

Krishna's with the proposal arrived at hastinapur where he was captured and his proposal was mocked and ridiculed, using his powers he declared the war with royals only specifying that it would be all royals present during the dyut against the 8 princes karn and ira and left to announce that to the rest.

Knowing the growing power of the rakshas in Hastinapur Ira could feel that what she expected would not yet happen and there would be something big that is coming her way, like all the power she has will finally come to light and her purpose would show. She however getting new from krishna prepared for the war, all of them gave their children reigns of the respective kingdoms as they went to seek justice. She also mention that when they return the kids will all get married to their respective love as there should be no hold backs for the auspicious moments.


hey all, here is an update i know its not much but hope you all enjoy.

will not be updating till after 27th since i have exams so need to focus on that. 

please do vote and comment .

lots of love


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