chapter 48

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Feeling overwhelmed he pulled her in for another kiss that was even more fierce and passionate that it took all her fears away leaving her bare to him, tranformed and enchanted by the happenings. She too was overwhelmed and they both felt like it wasn't the first time but they had been in the same position many times.

May be another life is what ira put the thoughts as and decided whatever it is will clear with time for now she shall live without any baggages of past present or future cause she is with someone who deserves her full attention.. Karn knowing Ira was tired from her state took her to bed and kissed her forehead put her to sleep as he cuddled her and sleep took over him.

That night was the best for both of them and reading her desire in her eye he knew that they both felt the same so he decided to take some time out and make their night even more special with just the two of them. Ira who knew karn was planning something thought she would surprise him by making an amazing meal that he loves and they decided to take it to the special place karn had decorated.

Ira who felt buterflies in her tummy knew it was the night she will be his, she felt a déjà vu like it was all being repeated but shook her thought as this was special and she would be fully present forgetting all worries like she always does with karn, feeling jittery at the thought of them becoming one.

Karn had decorated a section of their palace garden that was away and hidden from everyone's eye, he had discovered this place and it always reminded him of ira and felt this was the perfect place for the night.

The night came soon and the moment created worked out just right they both were prepared for what was coming . that night the two lover cross all limits broke all ties with the mortal world as their sould mingled and they became one in true sense. Their consummation was a bliss and karn worshipped Ira and they explored eachother like no before.

They slept very late that night while karn still awoke at dawn, he admired ira who glowed in happiness according to him. His stare got her up as they both headed for a bath together showing love once again as karn help ira who felt the pain cause of loosing her precious jewel for love.They got regular with the routine and karn made sure he gives ample tim for them and ira to did that with this they managed to cross 7 months into their wedding.

In these seven months visala and indraspath had great relations, the pandavas had bonded better with karn. The remaining bachelors were all hitched yudhishter had married princess of shivi, Devika, bheem had married princess valandhara, nakul and shadev to married princesses karenumati and vijaya respectively. Vikarn and yuyutsu who were both with the pandavas ever since duryodhan was disowned to were to ties a knot and had Karn and ira coming over.

Duryodhan and bhanumati were super happy with addition to the family. Arjun and draupadi had a great relation, and were soon to be parents a few onths after duryodhan and bhanumati.

In hastinapur, dushassan and the other kaurava princes grew even more arrogant, mama shakuni had properly brainwashed them and told them how the kingdom of indraspath also belongs tohim and made him envious to a higher extent.

All the princess felt a special connection to madi, they all understood why she was special to their husbands and how her role had onlly made their lives better, the also heard how she had smartly changed so many minds, the outlook of people towards life, how her nature was Loved by all and also how she had single handedly slayed the rakshas to protect her self. They all were inspired and with their husbands would practice weapons ocassionally ensuring they can protect them selves.

By now yudhishter as king had brought about a couple of reform with inspiration from karn and madi whereby basic education will be provided to all free of cost and if anyone wants to specialise in something they are allowed after special tests and a review of their character and dedication. Their kingdom definitely flourished with this, as king he had to start getting support from 100 other smaller kings which would take another two years and so as krishna suggested that after vikarn and yuyutsu's wedding they shall also do preparations rajyasuga where by yudhishter will then become samrat.

All supported this and soon invites were sent out and the wedding took place smoothly, guests from hastinapur all came and the parents were genuinely happy, the rest of the kauravas to happliy let the ceremony occur. While duhassan to on words of his mamashree promissing that the kingdom will be his after yudhister is samrat let things go as planned.

While everyone was happy ira was the most excited to plan both her younger brothers' wedding and so was on full swing ensuring draupadi and bhanumati don't over work with help of the other wives. Duhassan who finally was just looking arround enjoying the ritualls saw her and was mesmerised by Ira he wanted her for himself even after knowing she was married and decided he will kill karn and make her his so during all this he began plotting on the side on ways to kill karn without having the blame on himself.

Shakuni had no idea of this and duhassan made sure that it wouldn't affect any of their other plannings. Soon the weddings ended and during the last ritual duhassan played his game and gave a poison filled dessert to karn, knowing karn had a few spoon he left as the poison will take a few hours to proccess on after that no one can save karn.

What he didn't know was ira had joined karn by then and he shared the sweet with her as they both relaxed and retired for the night. They indulged in themselves and fell a sleep soon after. Unknown to them the energy in Ira had absorbed all the poison fom karn's body and neutralised it, this was all known by krishna and he wondered how no matter what changes the evil entities find a way to rise.

Next morning duhassan was shocked to see karn all fine, he was angered more that everyone was praising the pandavas and duryodhan. He was envious and the hatred increased by a couple folds. The rest of guest all returned to their kingdom while karn to left but madi decided to stay back to help bhanumati with her delivery and also to take care of draupadi as they both were in a delicate phase, the pandavas were super happy their sister is staying over and soon they all enjoyed for the extra month that she stayed. Bhanumati was pregnant with twins and soon gave birth to a boy and a girl. 


hey guys i have my exams coming up an so will be taking a break from writing. I hope you all enjoy this chapter i shall update after my exams so please have patience and have the story saved somewhere so you all can get back to it later.

thank you all for the support and i am sorry if this news disappointed anyone. i shall see you all within a month.

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