chapter 55

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While the pandavas' prepared for their vanvas karn and Ira were on their way to mahendigiri parvat as per ira's wish. She was weak and so they travelled in one horse with her resting on karns chest.she slowly fell asleep as karn admired her through out their travel, the new energy karn had got from the tridev and tridevi's made him see much deeper and he coul feel that he and ira belong to each other no matter what, he could feel a deeper connection and didn't know why but had the urge to take her to the side cave where they had last been one before he left for his meditation.

As Ira was asleep he could not ask her opinion as he didn't want to wake her up. So he slowly took her to the cave. He himself was astonished to see the cave had turned prettier and more heavenly. In an hour as he admire ira who now was lying in the grass as her presence made the nature look breathtaking, while ira then woke up she saw the cave and recognised it, as seeing karn admire her she called him closer and they both lost themselve to eachother her pain long forgotten as when they became one their power to mingled and emerged stronger relieving ira of the pain.

Later when they woke up karn notice ira's wounds had disappear and so the both happily headed to his guru dev who told them that karns meditation has helped him have energy that supports ira and it had been the reason for the cured wound. They both took blessing and headed back where they saw what happened as a result of the aftermath and how yudhister requested the couple to take over the reigns of indraspath till their return. 

Ira who wanted to join them cause she was their support as they were hers, but she couldn't as it was more important for her and karn to take over the kingdom and ensure the citizen who had trusted yudhishter do not sufferred without their fault. She took responsibility of their kids when krishna mentioned taking them to dwarka. she tried ask the 8 brothers to always have them informed about their location as they could not meet but they refused saying they are taking this as a penance and until the 12 normal vanvas years are not over they shall neither meet nor inform  anyone of their location. with this ira did not argue further knowing they all were guilt and needed time to process all that had happened she had prayed sincerely and gave them all a thread to keep all negative energy away. . Krishna to agreed that there is no one better than ira for taking care of the kids so all the began the next thirteen years of exile.

A year had passed and ira and karn had caught up with the five year they were apart, as well as ira was pregnant and would deliver in 3 months. All pandava and duryodhan, vikarn and yuytsus' kids were super happy for this as well as kunti who was also happier that when she first became grandmother. No one really questioned her but gandhari did ask her once if it was cause she loved ira as a daughter and was super attached to her, at that time ira who had entered their lightened the mood and diverted the topic.

She later talked to kunti saying she has figured the reason for the extra happinness and when the pandavas return it would be the right time to tell everyone about this and for now radha, adirath, shon and karn need to hear this from her as it is their right. Kunti was shocked that her secret was out but ira's word had this effect that she had agreed and when the right time came before her ira gave birth kunti has shared her secret.

Karn's family asked kunti not to apologise and they all understood her situation, while karn was sad but thankful that he was able to meet the most important people cause he was away from kunti and now he forgives her as he too understood her point of view and naivity that led for him to be abandonment and also how the prayer she did always did include him who kunti had craved for.Ira soon gave birth to a boy and that never affected her love for the other kids.

Soon the years of Vanvas came to an end and the agastyavas began. Ira who had not met her brothers in a long time wanted to share the news of all their children being exceptional warriors and also news of her being a mother  which not many people outside her kindom knew and since she had not been able to meet them throughout the vanvas. The time passed and it was half way through the agastyavas when she told karn she knew where they were and that she wants to meet them, karn agreed and use his energy to transform himself for a week. into a shorter, darker and normal  looking man who can easily blend in between commoners, while madi dressed up as a man more specifically used her powers to transform to have a deeper manly voice.

They then headed at dawn to the place which was a secret to all who tried find the pandavas. karn asked ira how she knew they are there to which ira shruggs and says a gut feeling and that she has one of her trained birds bring information from the spy network mention certain someone which is just a plus to her suspicions ,and there is something she needs to do there.


hey guys HAPPY NEW YEAR 

I am sorry for the late update but i have some personal issues to deal with so needed to sort that and now am in position to provide the updates. 

i hope you all are enjoying the story , i aim to complete the story in this week so you shall have many updates coming up 

see you all soon.



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