chapter 52

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Madi had seen the revenge streak in duhassan and knew that the dyut will soon take place and she this time would be prepared and make sure no woman faces any kind of insult. While the ceremony had completed and yudhi and duryodhan apologised to ira for the words spoken saying duhassan was still their brother and he had wronged her, she said it wasn't needed and the words don't matter.

Her strength surprised the two but she was different and they could never be less amazed with her. The queens and the elder too where proud and knew that her being an advisor at indraspath was the best decision. The elders of hastinapur present knew the real story while the remaining i.e maharaj dridhashtra and maharani gandhari were told the occurrence of events in a twisted way and saw this as a insult to their rule.

Shakuni said they shall soon avenge the same and for now keep calm so they can make a huge impact and properly show madi her real place. The king and queen agreed and they were awaiting for the moment they avenge their insult. Gandhari however had a little contact to outside their kingdom and she had heard immense praise for ira and also since she knew about karn and ira's marriage she had decided to give ira a chance.

She was super angry but hearing the shishupal was killed by krishna she wondered why, she has been aware of his divinity and also like many others believed that he was special. Also knowing that duhassan was not exactly a saint she decided to find out without letting others know. What she got to know made her see ira in a new light as she saw how ira reprimanded those laughing at her son with out and malice even after what was spoken by them about her.

With this her life was also changing, when she found out how her brother lied to both her and her husband she wanted to confront him and that's when she heard him talk with duhassan who asked why they lied to the parents.Shakuni just said that they need their support to prepare the revenge for his insult and they both will crush madi so badly that know one shall every respect or call her again. Hearing such words from there she was aghast and digged deeper knowing how madi was portrayed in bad light and also it was their fault that duryodhan was away and not madi's.

She also had found out about duryodhan's life and saw how happy he was, she heard how yudhishter with out partiallity made the decision to make her grandson as king and she also knew that he will never go back on his words, she also knew how yuytsu and vikarn who were with duryodhan were happier and all respected way more that the other kauravas who were all hated for their life style and choices.

On the other side all returned to their kindoms and another year passed with somewhat peace, a few hiccups that madi exceptionally managed and many more achievements were made by indraspath. While in hastinapur duhassan was envious and got angrier, he began being more cruel to subjects and shakuni then asked him to have a prententious mended relation with indraspath and visala so they can play their next move and take over both kingdoms. Shakuni was fueling his revenge through duhassan and also wanted power so was super sure that his plan would work.

Gandhari was sure this would bring distruction to their life and was super scared for what was coming but she was also scared to speak up cause every time she tried talk about madi and show her husband it was them who were wrong she was unsuccessful and not only that the anger was fueled to a higher level.

Hastinapur then had invited all indraspath princes and their wives and also ira as guest for a celebration and dyut game. Ira who was invited knew it was time and she advised through a letter that the wives all remain back and also kunti should stay back, and as vidur to suggested that only devika had gone to hastinapur as she was queen, madi who was going to refuse with her excuse heard this and decided to go. She knew it was important and hoped yudhi has his opinions changes and doesn't bet on any of his brothers or wife.

Madi knew how if she wants she can stop all of it directly but also knew this was bound to happen, she knew that it should be purely yudhi who will stop the happening and she even though has come for changes she can only give choices at certain point and not do the action for them.

This was about the same time as when karn would return, just two days earlier according to what madi had in mind before karn's return and she hadn't mentioned this to anyone. They all had then reached hastinapur according to the invitation and all stayed for an entertainment session after which the game was to be held during the next day , a day to karn's return.



so how do you all like it so far 

hope you enjoy it, do share your votes, open to any criticism XDXDXD

thanks for the info on bratatibanarjee, its sad to know we can no longer read  stories, but i hope the person is well and pray they would want to reopen the account if possible :) ( if your reading this its a fans' request since ur book inspired me to write on this topic)

anyways i hope that you all are safe and healthy.

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