chapter 18

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They all think of her words and all silently promise to respect their wife just how they should be respected. She then asks all of them to go to bed while yudhishter was seated lost in some thoughts and didn't move Akshi sits beside him and asks what was wrong.

He knew he was caught and Akshi smirked at that and teased him saying ' your dharmaraj and never lie so tell me why you those frowns on your forehead' he smiles at her mimickery and say he is worried about their future where will they go and how they all will manage and say he was also going to ask her to stay back and she glare at him he smiles and says 'it was just a thought and even if you agree I know my anuj's ( nakul and sahadev) won't.' and madi immediately replys ' because I'm the best'.

Yudi smiles at that and then says she should sleep. Madi knew that he was still going to waste his night thinking too much about how they won't have a stable life wandering in the forests so instead she takes oil and stand behind him and gives him a nice hair massage. As he feels her hands in his hair he asks her why she is doing this and she cutely says ' if my brother is not sleeping how can I' he nods and lets her continue. Once she sees he is sleepy she asks him to lie down there and she goes to his room to sleep.

On the way she bumps in to nakul who was with bheem looking for more food, and she joins them to the kitchen. She see that they were a few vegetables on the side and cooks something that she used to make at home in kaliyug for bheem while he munches on the fruits, arjun who is a light sleeper by now heard the noise from kitchen and came there as well.

The smell of the food was different but mouth watering and so all three sat down to eat, the smell had reach all round the area since the herbs she used were strong and that then brought sahdeva to the kitchen as well. All four had lined up and she sat with the food in front of them. Akshi was going serve when nakul made a cute pout asking her to feed them and soon all followed nakul, she wondered why she started doing drama in front of them since they are using it on her but shook her head and fed them all.

Soon they all began taking once again and asked akshi to tell them about her life before meeting them, She didn't yet want to take about her life before since it was mostly goal oriented towards her career, her self defense training and making the adoptive parents proud. Or how she was longing for her week old friend with out a clue whether he was also waiting for her or not, and how she felt about him. Also that she would definitely shock them with her lifestyle if she choose to say. She was thankful they had stopped asking about how she got the injuries. She had quickly changed the topic.

Arjun notice her expressions change before she had masked them and wondered what had happened to her. Sahadev to share a look with him wondering the same since they had seen a kind and strong woman in her but there was also some longing and pain in her eyes and they thought it was related to her past.

Akshi had an idea that they don't hate duryodhan as much as they should, since she didn't sense anger upon his mention. And she asked about that since they had also mention poisoning incident that happened in their child hood with bheema. They told her about the warning and apology before the lakshagraha, and she instantly knew in her mind that was karns influence and smiled.

She talked a bit more and asking the lifestyle question she had managed to make them see duryodhan's perspective the way she saw it a fussy and grumpy child due to the ignorance of elders and negative influence of his mamashree. They all gradually were able to she her point of view and realized how duryodhan was mistaken to be bad by them and how he can still be a good person.

Slowly the all began falling asleep and the night soon ended. The next morning they all were fast asleep and that's when Kunti and yudi came looking for them since it was time for them to leave. While looking around hidimbi and her husband came up to them and asked kunti and yudi to stay over for longer saying she heard his talk with madi by mistake last night.

Kunti agreed with the proposal since she saw the couple as her children as well. While yudi was contemplating whether that would be right or would it be that they will take undue advantage of them. Hirav noticed the look and said they could all help around in the kingdom and stay for a few months that way anyone searching for them would also stop. ( they also knew the true behind this forest journey) 


Hey guyss!!

hope you are all doing well. here an update and hopefully will post the next one soon once i am done with my assignments and notes,

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thank you all once again, and see you soon with the next chapter.

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