Chapter 10: Alisha and Margaux.

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Chapter 10: Alisha and Margaux.


My Dad was currently on the counter talking with some customer on the phone while I sat beside him reading my Braille book while sipping some hot coffee. It was a nice afternoon and Olivia visited earlier but she needs to leave because she has a part time job in a local art studio. She graduated Fine Arts in college. She only spent four years in College because she did some summer classes to graduate early. I just wished that I can able to see her paintings. Unlike me, I didn't go to College it isn't because of financial problem but because of my condition, but I did finish my high school.

"Yes, I get that, Ok, Ok, thank you, bye," my Dad finished the phone call, "Tan, do you remembered the broken bow of the violin you asked me to repair?" he asked.

"Yeah, I do," I answered. The owner of it was a high school girl named Alisha.

"I tried to repair it but it can't be restored, the owner must buy a new one," my Dad said.

"No," I refused, "It was very important to her," I remembered the quivering voice of hers. "We can tape the bow, it's not really destroyed into pieces then we can place a new set of strings. We will only change the strings of it," I suggested.

"That will work I guessed, but it won't be attractive to see."

"Yes, it won't be but the story is more important than the appearance," I smiled.

Dad finished repairing the bow in just one night and after a few days Alisha went to take them. Even though it looks like crap as Dad said, she thanked me for it and said that it was very important to her and even though it's destroyed and cannot be turn like it was before it is still the same thing that her mother gave to her. Dad decided to give her a discount and to pay her gratitude she played the violin for us.

"Thank you again for repairing my violin," Alisha said for the tenth time after she finished her piece.

I chuckled, "You're welcome again. That's a beautiful piece by the way," I complimented her.

"Thanks," she answered sheepishly.

"Tanya's right Alisha, that's beautiful but I bet that would be more beautiful if it was accompanied by a piano," Dad commented and I knew where it will be going.

"Yeah, I think that would be nice but I don't know any person who knows how to play the piano," Alisha said.

"Oh, Tanya knows how to play it, in fact she's good at it!" he replied cheerfully.

I groaned, "Dad."

"You know how to play the piano but you're blind right?" she puzzled.

"Yes, I'm blind and it's been a long time since I played the piano. I'll just ruin your music so you better find someone else," I declined.

"Tanya!" Dad interjected, "Don't listen to her, she's just a little bit negative. She's actually good at it, in fact, her friend persuades her to join in a music competition with him. You should join with them too, it would be perfect."

Dad would be really talkative sometimes.

"Really?" She said excitedly but it faded out, "That would be great but I think my Aunt would not allow me join," there's a sadness in her voice.

"Oh, that's sad," Dad said softly.

"I think I need to go. Thanks again for my violin Tanya and mister," she said trying to be cheerful again. I felt and I heard her footsteps walking away but still there's something I want to say.

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