Chapter 51: One Step at a Time.

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Chapter 51: One Step At A Time.

I received a call from Olivia yesterday and she said that the police already found the suspect on the Santiago's case, which I already know. I haven't visited Tanya for a while, I was so busy with work because they already piled up and I was also busy to catch Nugget. That's why I decided to excuse myself from work today and spend my time with her.

Tomas and I were on the way to her room with a basket of fruits on his hands when the door opened revealing Olivia.

She was surprised to see me and smiled, "Sean, it great to see you here," though Olivia has a good sense of style and she always keep herself in good condition I could notice how tired she was.

"How is she?" I asked.

"She's," she trailed as if looking for the right term to say, "Not really good," she was very worried, "She began to have nightmares, sudden panic attacks and she's not usually herself. I'm really am worried. I haven't told her about the criminal yet."

"Can I see her?"

She faintly smiled, "Of course, I just stepped out for a while to get some coffee and Char and Nathan are inside."

"Thank you," I proceed to enter the room and just like what Olivia said, Charlotte and Nathaniel were there. Nathan was arranging the flowers on the vase and Charlotte was talking to Tanya.

"Sean," Nathan first noticed me and gave me a smile and handshake, "How are you?"

"I'm good," I replied.

"Babe," he called for Charlotte, "Let's go out for a while?"

Charlotte nodded, "We'll be back," she said to Tanya then she stood up from the chair and walked towards Nathan, "Hello, Sean, be a little patient with her," she whispered then both of them went out. Tomas also left the room as soon as he placed the basket of fruits on the table.

I sat to the chair that Charlotte was sitting earlier. Tanya didn't move or acknowledge me. She just lied in there, facing me and eyes closed.

"Tanya," I called.

She ignored me. I know that she's awake, she's not pretending to be asleep but she's just tired.

"Tanya," I called again.

"I hear you," she whispered, still eyes closed.

Good thing she said something, "You don't look good," I placed her hands to mine. She looks pale, dark under her eyes and restless. Though her body are beginning to get healed, inside her is still wounded.

"I'm sorry," she softly said.

I placed the strands of her hair that fall to her face behind her ears using my other hand, "No need to apologize," I was hesitating wether to tell her about the progress of the case because she might panic again. "I heard from Olivia that you're having nightmares and sudden panic attacks."

She just shrugged.

"Please tell me what I need to do to help you," I pleaded.

"This is my own fight, Sean, you can't do anything to ease the pain," she replied.

I gripped her hand, "I know and quite frankly you are losing your own fight. You are not doing anything to fight it, you let it consume you. Your friends are worried about your health and I'm sure your Dad doesn't want you to look like this."

She grimaced and finally tears fell out, "What should I do?" she sobbed, "My Mom was taken away from me and then my eyesight and now my Dad. I think I'm going insane. It hurts Sean, it really hurts."

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