Chapter 45: Awake.

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Chapter 45: Awake.


"She buys a lot of things make ups, dresses, shoes and bags, lot more," Jesse complained, "Maybe that's why her bills are piling up because she bought unnecessary things first."

I laughed, "Don't be so harsh on her, she's a girl."

"Yeah, such a needy woman,"

I laughed again. When we reached the hall of Tanya's room, I saw Sean and Tomas outside. It was very unusual for him to leave Tanya alone. Sean was pacing back and forth on the same place while Tomas was just looking at him then to the door of Tanya.

"Why are they there?" Jesse whispered.

"I dunno," I shrugged. When we reached them, Tomas noticed me first, there's something wrong about him, about Sean and about the atmosphere. "What are you doing here? What happened?" I asked then I looked at the door of the room. I walked towards it to go inside but I was stopped by Tomas.

"Miss Tanya's heart rate blared up and the doctor are there trying to see the problem," he explained.

My eyes widen and the bag that I was holding fell down, "Oh my God!" I ran towards the door and peeked through the small window on it. I couldn't see much since the nurses are blocking the view. My hand covered my mouth as I was trying not to cry. "What is happening?" my voice cracked.

I felt Jesse's arm around my shoulder trying to calm me down then he led me towards the chairs at the side of the hallway.

"It's gonna be okay, Tanya's a fighter," Jesse soothed, rubbing my arms.

I saw Sean as he sat down on the chairs on the other side of the hallway then both of his hands were covering his face as he placed his elbows on his lap.

After a few minutes Dr. Rowley came out from the room, following some nurses. We all stood up and went directly to her.

"What happened?" I asked hastily.

"Nothing worst," she informed, "I think her heart just palpitate abnormally because of the shock, it sometimes happened to the patients with the same cases as her. However, good things happened after the bad one."

"And that is?" Jesse asked curiously.

She beamed, "She's awake!"


My head was in pain and my body too. I heard noises different kind and it disturbs my peace. There's the beeping sound. That's not my alarm, it doesn't sound like my alarm. It has different beeping sounds. It's like the heart rate monitor that's on the hospital, you know, the small box thing that looks like a monitor then there are few lines on there. It produces triangle shape lines, it means you're alive and when it's a flat line it means you're dead.

But wait – why am I hearing that? I couldn't open my eyes. I tried but it won't work. I couldn't even move my body even just lift my hand up. What was happening? Then there are loud voices. Different tone of voices. I don't recognize them.

"Bring in the crash cart!" someone shouted.

"Here Doc!" another voice responded.

"Sir, you must go out," I heard a faint voice said.

"I'll stay here!" someone familiar growled. It's the Italian accent I'm missing, "Please, Doctor do something!"

"You must go and let us handle her," a feminine voice said, I guess it's the Doctor, "Ready the defibrillator!"

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