Chapter 14: Abercrombie and Fitch Model and Victoria Secret Model.

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Chapter 14: Abercrombie and Fitch Model and Victoria Secret Model.

                I found this amusing. When I told him that I'll meet her accidentally I meant that I will really look and talk to her which I will make like an accidentally meeting. But good heavens, I really did meet her accidentally. I grabbed my phone and called the first person on my speed dial.

"Ciao?" his husky voice asked.

"Good morning, Fratello," I greeted cheerfully.

"Why did you call?" there's a tint of annoyance in his voice.

"I just wanted to call you. I miss my Fratello," I answered.

"Somehow, I couldn't believe that," he grunted, "Could you state why you call? I'm busy at the moment."

"Fine always straight to the point," I scowled but made a mischievous grin, "Guess who I met today."

"Margaux I don't have time for your guessing game," he hissed. My smile didn't falter on his angry state because I'm immune to his mood swings.

"I met a girl in a name of Tanya Rose Santiago. Ring any bell?" I asked playfully.

I heard a groaned on the next line, "Magaux stop your crazy antics. Tell me what you have done," he ordered like I've did something really bad.

"I've done nothing!" I defended myself, "We just accidentally met and I really mean it that we met by chance. I'm at my school and she's here also."

"Why is she at your school?"

"She said that she's accompanying her friend here. It seems that her friend is one of those artists since their product are paintings," I answered nonchalantly. There's a pause maybe he was thinking something or what but I don't like being ignored, "Now I know why you've taken interest on her, she's really beautiful. I'm jealous,"

"Is that all you've got to say?" he asked.

"Don't you dare hung up on me!" I threatened.

"I'm busy, don't you dare do something crazy to her."

"Fratello! Don't end the call or el---," and he hung up, "Merda!" I cussed and immediately send him a text.

You hung up on me. This will definitely not the last meeting Tanya and I will have. I love her company. Stupido Fratello.                 - Margaux Lane

                "That was great! I feel awesome, it's like I'm really a popular artist!" Olivia squealed. She keeps on squealing after The Art Studio was being acknowledged and a lot of people came to greet and cheered them. Too bad they didn't win in the competition for the Painting Contest.

                "Yes, yes and I feel you too but I'm more worried to tell Reynard about the result," Fernando sighed as he was placing the other paintings that wasn't bought on his van.

"Hush, who cares about what that old man says?" Olivia scoffed as she helped Fernando.

"I do," he chirped, "It's annoying to hear his rambling."

"You have a point there," she agreed.

"Just pretend that you were listening," I laughed.

"I'll take that suggestion," Fernando chuckled, "So, you have your car right? I still have to go to the studio to bring the other paintings back and bring our earnings to Reynard. I'll just give what you've earned Olivia tomorrow," he said.

"Okay," Olivia agreed, "Bye!"

"Good bye Fernando and be careful on your way," I smiled.

"See you later guys and wish me luck!" I chuckled on what he said and I heard the engine of his van until I heard it no more.

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