#3 Pierre - Ice skating

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KATELYNN POV.: This Christmas, our family decided to do something different, and go to Ice Skating rink, to skate. Right from the start I was happy at the idea, but Pierre didn't look convinced...
-You ok mon Amour?- I asked him, when we're driving there.
-Oui. Everything is fine- he tried to convince me.
-You don't look convincing Baby...
-I'm really fine. Don't worry..- I knew he's putting brave face on, but I didn't comment on it. He gets more than enough teasing from his brothers as it is, so no need to add fuel to the fire...

Soon after that, we made it to our destination, parked and bought the tickets and skates, to change into. I did them rather quickly, as I used to take skating lessons as a child, but Pierre was unusually slow with it.
-Spil it P. What's going on?- I turned to him, with concerned expression -I see something is up. Just tell me. You don't want to skate?
-No, it's not that!- he protested quickly, but quiet enough that no one from the Fam picked up on it.
-Then tell me, what is it?
-I'm just...
-What?- I pushed, holding his gloved hand in mine.
-I'mnotagoodskater...- he mumbled really fast, looking away from me.
-What? I didn't hear you..?!
-I'm not a good skater, ok?!- he reapeted, exasperated.
-It's totally fine! I can help you!
-But it's supposed to be fun for you..! Not teaching me like a child!- he whined, not happy.
-I'll be very happy to help you skate. It's just as fun, as it would be if I skated by myself!- I assured him honestly, with smile on my face.
-You sure?
-Compleatly- I nodded, making him relax.
-Come on, let's go before they notice and start teasing you..
-They will either way..
-I won't let them. Come on, do you trust me?- I asked him, standing up with outstreached hand in his direction, for him to take.
-You know I do- he smiled, took mine in his and stood up. We slowly walked to the barriers and then I entered the rink first, feeling the smooth surface and then turning to smiling Pierre, who entered behind me, clutching the barriers in all his might.
-Come on mon Amour, let's do it- I told him softly, skating to him and placing my hand on his right one, and carefully and metodically prying his fingers from it, to tangle our fingers together.
-I'll drag you down..!- he whined, not letting go.
-Maybe. But I'm also gonna help you learn how to skate! Just trust me and let go of that barrier..
-Non. I'll make us both fall!- he was adamant.
-P, you'll never actually learn to skate doing that! I'll help you, I promise...
-Come on Pierre! Listen to your girlfriend! Or maybe you're a chicken?!- Phil snickered, making me and Pascale roll eyes while Pierre flipped him off.
-Ok. Let's do it- P exchaled and slowly let the barrier go. I took his other hand in mine and gently moved us away from it, on a bit wobbly legs, skating backwards.
-You're doing good job! Just copy me, but in other direction..- but when Pierre tried, he lost balance and dragged me with him, right onto the ice.
-Ouch! / Oof!- we exclaimed, landing on one another.
-That's a first fall. From then on, I'll get only better and better!- I enchouraged him, standing up and brushing off the ice, and then tried to help Pierre up. But I think I spoke too soon, cuz, we're back on the ground soon enough, making his brothers laugh.
-Boys! Don't be mean!- Pascale sushed them with glare -It's Christmas! We should be nice to one another!
-That's a proces. You'll learn soon..- I wasn't loosing the good attitude, being more than sure that sooner or later, Pierre will grab a hold of it... better be sooner, for ours' bottoms' sake...
-Let's hope I do..- P grumbled and also stood up.
-Don't discourage yourself. You'll get a hold of it soon!- I assured him, and after that, and sweet kiss on the lips, we resumed our "lesson"...

As I predicted, it wasn't a piece of cake, but eventually, Pierre learned how to skate, and we weren't meeting the ground every 3 minutes. I was really proud of him...! 
We couldn't stop smiling after that, holding hands and slowly skating around the rink for some time, talking about everything and nothing.
-You used to skate right?- Nick asked me in one moment, joining us.
-Yeah, I did singles in Junior category and a bit of Senior, but why do you ask?
-Then show us something!
-It was so long ago...?- I wasn't sure.
-But please! Just show us something!- Paul joined him, attempting the "puppy face".
-I don't want to show off...- I still wasn't sure...
-Come on mon Ange, go and have some fun. You need it after so many falls with me..!- Pierre encouraged me.
-But I'm having as much fun here, with you!- I protested, looking him in the eye.
-I know. But go on, and show those morons of my brothers how it's done..!- he knew how to play on my competitiwness...
-Alright! But just a bit!- I agreed and heard all 5 "Gasly Bros" cheering, while Pascale and JJ had fond expressions on their faces.
I skated to the center of the rink and tried to remember some steps from at least one of my programs. At first I attempted every single jump I knew, but already trying doubles. If I had to show off, I couldn't start from easy stuff...! Luckly, I managed all off them clean, then some twizzles and spins, but left out my signature move, which is called a scorpion in dance or gymnastics as I don't trust my back.
Whole fam was in awe, looking at me almost starstruck. It made me blush and avoid their gaze. Lean back almost paralel to the ice was last, aka "Cherry on top", followed by only quad I ever did, which was axel.
After that I skated back to Pierre and accepted a hug, while the fam showered me with praise. 
-That was exquisite mon Cour- P whispered and kissed my temple.
-Merci- I whispered back, with small smile and kissed his lips.
After that, we skated some more, and then went off the ice, to buy hot chocolate and coffee, to warm us up. We sat down and talked about everything and nothing, being happy about having time together, It was really nice... And turns out, that the Ice Skating idea wasn't that bad after all...?!

A bit complicated Ice skating day, but finished with a Happy End!
Have a nice day! / Goodnight!

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