#48 Lando - Phone call

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NARRATOR POV: It's around 3 AM in Australia, when a phone rang loudly, waking up its owner in the proces. Lando Norris woke up and groaned, feeling very tired after only 4 hours of sleep.
-What the fuck is going on!?- he grumbled and took said phone in hand, picking up the call without looking at the bright screen -Hello?
-Llll... Lan?- he heard and woke up instantly, sitting up on the bed, as the sheets pooled around his hips.
-Ava?! What's wrong Sunshine?- he was really concerned, as he heard his girlfriend cry.
-Nnnn.. nothing! It was.. was.. just a ni...nightmare- she said between loud sobs.
-Oh... Baby.. Don't cry! You're safe! It's alright!- he tried soothing her, as his heart was breaking at the situation. He hates seeing his usualy happy, vibrant and full of energy girlfriend, cry her heart out because of the nightmares and lasting trauma...
-I know... But it was dark.. and quiet.. and cold... and you're not here and I...
-I know Baby, i know..- he sighed and bowed his head. There was nothing he wanted more than to go to her, wrap her tightly with covers and hold her until she's fine again...
After few minutes, when he just talked to her about everything and nothing at all, the sobs quieted down and then she calmed down.
-Everything's alright now?
-Yeah..- she exhaled and Lando saw in his mind how she dryes her cheeks from tears while hugging one of the pillows.
-What can I do to make it better?
-Just stay on the phone with me, please?- her small and unsure voice broke his heart again, as he couldn't do more, because of the thousands of kilometers between them...
-Of course Baby, whatever you need..- he assured her and fell down on his back again, holding the phone to his ear as he looked at the white celling above him. They talked for a bit, feeling more and more sleepy every passing second, as their eyes began to close on their own. It wasn't weird conciderning the hour, but neither of them cared...

When the sun was up, Lando woke up first, realising that he's still holding his phone close to his ear, with the call still connected.
-Ava...?! Avalynn Marie Cooper?!- he said rather quietly and softly, smiling to himself as he heard her deep and even breaths.
-Huh?! Lando?- she was really confused as she woke up, which made him giggle. To picture her cute confused face with unrurly hair pointing in every direction wasn't hard by any means, filling Lando with warm and fuzzy feeling.
-Yeah, it's me- he agreed, stopping his laugh.
-Did you call me, or something?
-We didn't hung up last night Sunshine. It's still the same call- he explained, waiting for her to fully wake up and connect the dots.
-Huh.. That's weird..- she said and Lando could easly picture her tieing up her hair in a loose ponytail -I hope i didn't disrupted your sleep schedule that much?
-No, you didn't. Don't worry about it...- he assured her, smiling fondly -What's your agenda today?
-Study a bit and clean the apartment. You're gonna come back to clean house for once...
-Yeah, that's a bit due..- he agreed and both of them laughed. The atmosphere was definitely lighter and warmer than during the night.
-And yours?
-Interviews, FP3 and Quali... Same deal every weekend..
-You're gonna do great Baby..
-I hope so..!?
-Don't just hope, believe in yourself! You're gonna smash it!
-Thanks for the support Sunshine!
-No need. I'll always be your biggest suporter!
-That's true- he agreed again, and they laughed again, feeling way better than before.
-I miss you Lan...
-I miss you too Baby.. But I'll be home soon...?! Just 3 more days?!
-Cannot wait!
-Me too... Racing is fun, but not that much when you're not here...
-Don't be a sap. I'm gonna cry again!
-No, you don't! It's new, happy day!
-You're right- she agreed and he could see her nod without actually seeing it.
After a few more moments of light chat they hung up and went along their days, thinking of the other in every free moment, constantly smiling.
Right before getting in the car for Quali, Lando looked at his phone and smiled, seeing unread text from Ava:
SUNSHINE: Good luck out there! You're gonna smash it!
(not like you need the luck anyway..!?)
Without thinking he opened the app and texted her back, grinning like an idiot:
Thx Sweetheart. Cheer for me from the couch, will you?!
SUNSHINE: Of course I will! You have hugs and kisses from Flo and Cisca!
Give them a hug from me too! Love u!
SUNSHINE: Love you too!

After that, he was really ready to go out there and do his best. It didn't matter where he finished at the end for tomorrow. It was the fun he craved... His best should satisfy him, not the ending result... And he wanted to make Ava and his fam proud....
But it was Ava's presence he craved the most, and focused himself on the thought that the better he does his job, sooner he'll hug and kiss his girl, holding her close throughout every single nightmare if she'd have any.... That was his priority, along with his career... To make Ava happy and safe...

Sad but sweet one...
If you want to see more of those, or have ideas of your own, feel free to let me know in the comments!
Have a nice day! / Goodnight!

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