#47 Mick - "Fake" Girlfriend

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MADDIE POV: This time around, luckly Mick isn't flying around the globe with Mercedes, so we can go to our friend's birthday party together. We've known Susan since Kindergarden, so VERY long time, and we really want to celebrate this special day together...
It's not really a party, more like a gathering of closest friends...
The day is rather warm and sunny, so we're not really needing coats, more like sweatshirts or jean jackets, so it's good. I did last look over my outfit in the huge mirror in the hallway, and then, happy with the fit, placed the gift bag and my own bag next to the door, to not forget either of them when I leave. Next, I padded into the kitchen and rather quickly chuged the glass of orange juice, before fixing my light pink lipstick, and deeming myslef almost ready. Just when I did that, the doorbell rang, announcing that Mick indeed came in time, even tho he texted me like 20 minutes prior that he might run a little late. Smiling, I went to the door, checked the peep hole and then opened the door, when I saw my smiling friend on the other side.
-Mads, Hi!
-Hi MIcky!- I said back and accepted the short "greeting hug" he offered -Come in for a sec? I need to find my sneakers..- I added, when I spotted that my shoes aren't where I placed them this morning for this exact reason.
-Sure- he agreed and entered, locking the door behind himself. I must admit, he looked good in baby-blue t-shirt and black jeans. The shirt really brought out his beautifull eyes...
-Want me to help?
-No, danke. I'll be back in a moment..- I smiled at his kindness and rushed to my bedroom. That's the only place they can be, if not in the hallway -Tell me! How is mom and dad? I haven't seen them in a while...- I shouted to him, while checking my walk-in wardrobe and under the bed.
-Fine, I guess... Living day by day, happy and healthy...
-Good to hear. I need to stop by sometime...
-You really should. Mum misses you..
-Really?- I was surprised. As kids me, Mick and Gina-Marie were almost inseperable, but when we grew up, we found a way to live apart and still keep in touch. But Corinna Schumacher telling her own son that she misses me?! Like, his childhood best friend? That's huge...!
I mean, I was always fond of her and admired her strenght a lot, but never thought that she liked me THAT much...
-Don't act surprised!- Mick chuckled, as he leaned on the doorway -Gina talks about you all the time anyway, and mum always treated you like her 2nd daughter...
-That's true..- his words made me smile shyly, as small blush creeped onto my cheeks.
-Found them yet?- I didn't say that out loud, but I thanked Mick for his attentiveness and changing the subject... My little, bittle, tiny crush on him didn't helped matters at all...
-YES!- I shouted triumfaticaly, as I took said sneakers out of the lowest drawer in my wardrobe. The white sneakers with lifted heel were sporty alternative from heels, and I wanted to look classy but more comfortable and less formal... The emerald green above-knee high dress with opened shoulders and silver jewellery along with light make-up were my "go to" this time around, thankfull of the nice weather.
-Then put them on, and let's go!- he rushed me, but smiled fondly too, so i knew he didn't really mean it -You look gorgeus by the way!- he added, walking in front of me out of my room and to the door, when I tied the laces.
-Thank you!- I blushed again, but THANK GOD he didn't see that...
-I still need to grab...- I wanted to say next, but Mick was quicker, took both my bag and the one with Susan's present and left the house not saying anything. I locked it after us and then we went to his car, to drive to Susie's house. It looked like really nice party...

We arrived at Susan's house 20-ish minutes later, and greeted all the friends that made it before us, and gave huge hugs to the birthday girl. I was really happy to be there, and so was Mick. They pulled us into conversation right away, as we made ourselves comfortable.
Next was cake, singing "Happy birthday" and then exchanging gifts. It was the best to see Susie's reaction on what we got her...
But soon after that, when we sat down with some drinks and cutted cake, the nice banter we all had going on shifted into mostly picking on Mick and his lack of significant other. No matter being it a girl or a boy. It was not really nice to watch, and I felt for him, as I endured the same shit all over Collage and first few months of Uni, before I got together with my ex. Which didn't turn out that great either, because we broke things off after only 2 months of dating and none of my friends liked Tom... And that was whole 5 months ago, while I'm perfectly over him. Looks like I didn't love him that much...?! And he might've said something about me loving someone else...?!
After some time, when this torture was still happening, Mick left to the kitchen, to grab something else to drink. That was my cue, to go after him...
-Micky? Are you alright?- I asked him gently, stopping beside him.
-They are a handfull, hm?- I nugged his side in playfull manner, making him smile -Ignore them, ok? For me.?
-It's not that easy...- he exhaled again and hung his head down. We stayed quiet for few seconds, just being, as I acctualy poured us some drinks, to not blow our cover.
-Can you do me a favour?- he spoke up, startling me a bit.
-Of course, anything- I agreed instantly. I'd do anything I possibly could to help him and make him smile. My sunshine personificated...
-It's a bit big...
-I told you MIcky, I'll do whatever you need...- I assured him and placed my right hand on his shoulder, as our gazes locked.
-Will you pretend to be my girlfriend?- he blured out, and escaped with his eyes somewhere, adding -For them to stop picking at me... Please...?!- after my inicall shock died down, I smiled at him.
-Of course I will. You can always count on me, remember?
-You're the best Maddie!- his face lit up and he engulfed me in tight hug, which I returned.
-Everything for you...- I smiled at the little kiss he placed on my cheek -All in all, but we should get back there... Or they'll send a searching party for us...- my responce made him chuckle, but he let go of me, and instead held my hand in his. Against myself, my heart did a little dance in happiness.
We got back to our friends and sat down next to each other, as Mick wrapped one of his arms around my shoulders. It focused all our friends attention at us.
-Why are you sitting like that?
-I don't know what do you mean..- I tried to shrug them off, but didn't move. Mick didn't either, even pulling me closer to him, so I had to fight every urge to melt into his side.
-Oh, you know EXACTLY what I mean!- Susie said, making a "I call bullshit" face.
-Fine, it's time to tell them Micky..- I started our little "act", locking our gazes briefly. I know it's not good to lie to your own friends, but they called it upon themselves...
-Tell us what exactly?!- they were perfectly confused. I wish I could just take my phone and snap a picture...!?
-That Mads and I are together- MIck said, trying to act nonchalant. I think he should get an award for that, cuz none of them realised the truth.
-What!? / Since when?! / Are you guys shitting me?!- and many more questions were shouted, as they comepletly lost lt.
-2 months- we replied at the same time, not even rehearsing it in the kitchen.
-Double WHAT!? This long!! And you didn't tell me...?! MADDIE...?!
-You never asked...?- we went deeper and deeper into it, but I still think it's worth it.
-But how?!
-Dating Tom made me realised I loved someone else..- I filled the "gap", seeing their confused faces. That one wasn't technically a lie....?!
-And for me, seeing her with that jackass and then suffer from it helped me find the courage to tell her the truth...- I couldn't help the butterflies in my stomach when I saw his fond and sweet expression, when our eyes met again.
-That's SO CUTE!!- all of them were overjoyed, and I started to regret it. A little, but still regret it. I don't know for how long we're going to hold this lie afloat....?!

Cute and fesitive celebrations ensured...
We could only wonder if Maddie and Mick would ever speek up on their feelings they clearly have for each other...?!
Have a nice day! / Goodnight!

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