#81 Carlos - Safe again

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For this OS I needed rather heavy crash involving Carlos, so it's a little throwback to his crash in Japan last year...
I hope you're gonna enjoy!

NARRATOR POV: Rainy race weekend always is a mess and a great fun for fans as everything possible can happen. But it also can be dissasterous.... Even tho the rain was going worse and worse, the FIA still got the race going. Before the dissaster struck... Carlos lost control of the car, hurdled it into one barrier, bounced off of it and skidded uncontrolled onto another side of the track, hit another wall and then came to a halt half on the grass, half on the track. Everyone froze, while Red Flag came instantly.
Pretty early on it was known that his injuries are bigger than expected... Broken left leg, broken right forearm in two places and a concusion which knocked him out. Marshals quickly pulled him out of the wreck and then the Spaniard was transported straight to the hospital, to have surgery for his injuries and be assesed by the medical team...
It also meant that he's gonna miss the rest of the season, as his bones need to heal. Everyone were heartbroken at that, and tried to give Carlos as much support as possible. They needed their Chili Smooth Operator back...

JANUARY 2023r.
Turns out the fractures in his forearm healed wrong and Carlos was in constant pain. It meant that, if he still wants to race next season, he needed second surgery...
Carlos was still laing in his hospital bed after the 2nd surgery on his forearm. Breaking both bones in it in Japan left him with worse ending than he anticipated, as the pain was still way too much. Even though he was still high on medication the doctors had given him during the surgery, it didn't help. It felt as if his skin was burned and pried forcefully off the bones, leaving him in almost delirious state. Moaning in pain Carlos forced himself to move and grabbed his phone with left hand.
He would call his family later and would tell a nurse that he had woken up but there was only one person he needed to speak with in that moment. His eyes nearly fell shut again as he searched for the correct contact in his phone. A contact that he hadn't used in more than a year, but still had it memorised by heart...
Without hesistation he pressed the "call" button and then held the device to his ear.
(C- Carlos, ....)
....: ¿Hola? ¿Quién es? (Hello? Who is it?)- the voice on the other end of the line said, picking the call up after 4th ring.
C: Izzy? Soy yo... Yo... (It's me... I...)- he felt really hard to speak, as his voice shoke.
I: Carlos?- Isabelle sounded surprised.
C: Yo soy en el hospital..(I'm in the hospital)- Carlos said, before she said anything else or worse, hung up on him.
I: ¿Otra cirugía? ¿Tu brazo aún no está curado? (Another surgery? Your arm is not healed yet?)- she sounded concerned and worried even, in Carlos's clouded mind.
C: Si..- he heavied out, as he felt tears brimming in his eyes -Yo... Realmente te necesito ahora mismo... Todo duele... Mi corazón... (Really need you right now. Everything hurts...My love...)- Carlos almost whimpered in pain, and then drifted back to sleep, leaving Izzy startled.
-He haven't called me that in years...- she thought, looking at phone in her hand.

The next time Carlos woke up, a nurse was checking his vitals on the beeping monitor.
-Hola Señor Sainz. ¿Cómo te sientes? (Hello Mr. Sainz. How do you feel?)- she asked with a smile on her face.
-Todavía duele... pero bueno, creo (It still hurts... but okay, I think)- he said after a moment of thought and blinked fast a few times at the bright light shining in the room.
A few minutes later the doctor told Carlos that the surgery went well and that they are expecting great results, which Carlos repeated to his parents, sisters and cousin over the phone. His parents were estatic to hear great news of him feeling better, and Mama even cried a little, same as Ana. Whole family hoped that it was the end of the pain...

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