#94 Lando - Baby fever

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NARRATOR POV: Late friday evening was really roudy in Savannah and Olivier's house, with Ava and Lando being there and playing with baby Mila.
-I really don't know how to thank you..!
-Sav, really, stop it. Mila is an angel to take care of- Ava assured her, giving the older woman a hug.
-Besides, I love to spend time with my niece, and I definitely don't do that enough during the year- Lando added, also giving Savannah a hug. Both her and Olivier are dressed nicely, as they go to a work christmas party and are leaving Mila with her uncle and aunt.
-Lala!- Mila added her own word, reaching to Lando to hold her.
-See?! There is nothing for you guys to worry about!
-REmember, the formula is on the counter, her pj in her bed, her bedtime is at 7 and she takes a bottle at least half an hour before that, otherwise she gets really cranky...
-We know!- they interrupted her nervous rambling with smiles on their faces.
-Lets go Love, before we're gonna be late- Oliver ads, himself being a bit hesistant to leave his baby with his brother.
-Don't worry, we got this. Besides, you left us all the information on the post-it notes on the fridge- Ava assured them both and added -Go and have fun. We'll see you when you get back..
-Say bye-bye Mila- Lando waives at them and Mila copied him in her adorable baby waive, while talking about something to herself.
-Be nice to uncle Lala and auntie Ala ok?- Sav said, kissed her dauthers' forehead and they finally left.
-Ok, we have 2,5 hours before this little angel goes to sleep- Ava checked her watch with a smile.
-Come on Mila, what you want to play...- and they were off to the living room, which basicaly was Mila's playroom at that point. Both of them knew that it's gonna be amazing and very cheerful evening...

Before they knew it, 1 hour and 45 minutes of playing with blocks, hide and seek and coloring, were up.
-Ok little angel, it's time to take a bath- Ava said, ignoring unhappy groan which left Lando's mouth.
-But we're playing..- he disagreed, pouting.
-I know. BUt if we don't stick to the routine Sav wrote out for us, we're gonna be in big trouble!
-You're right...- unhappy, they moved "the party" to the bathroom, where they still played and washed her and then changed her into her white pj's with pink stars all over them.
-Uncle Lala will watch "Paw Patrol" with you- Ava said and went to the kitchen to make the bottle for Mila, while Lando took Mila to the living room and settled on the couch with her on his lap, under the warm blanket. Then, they watched the show while Mila ate her dinner and then put her to sleep in her room, taking the nanny cam with them.
-Toast for dinner?
-Sure- they prepared dinner for themselves and then settled in the living room, loged into Oli's Prime account and resumed watching the TV show they began watching a few days prior, while waiting for Sav and Oli to return.

2  AM
-Sorry it took so long..
-Don't worry about it. Mila is sound asleep in her room.
-Was she nice? No temper-tantrums?
-No. WE told you she's an angel.
-If you need babysitter, call us- Lando said, as they began putting on their winter gear.
-We definitely will, thanks guys.
-You're welcome.
After that, they hugged and said their goodbye's, and then Lando and Ava left, to get back to their apartment, while Savannah and Olivier dressed down and got ready to bed. The party was nice, most of the time it is, but they're glad to be home now and rest. They need to go for last christmas shopping tomorrow, before the family celebration, so they're gonna need lots of energy....

After they came back to the apartment they both took turns to take a shower and changed into pijamas, falling on the bed, tired.
-She's so adorable..
One look said more than 1000 words, and both of them knew they got a baby fever now...
-One day we'll have one of our own..
-It's gonna be so cute!
Talking about this and whole evening in general left them falling asleep with smiles on their faces. If at least half of the plans came true, they'll be the happiest ever...

Christmas parties with a toddler turns out to be fun!
It actually didn't turn out how I wanted it, but I hope you still enjoyed it, even tho it's really short...
Have a nice day! / Goodnight!

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