#45 Sebastian - Amnesia

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NARRATOR POV: Sebastian Vettel came back home after another race weekend in Italy, holding his bags in both hands.
-Ellie, I'm home!- he shouted, but was met with silence -Ellie!? Schats?- he started to worry, as it wasn't that late. In the kitchen however, he met his mother.
-Mum? What are you doing here!?
-Waiting for you...
-OK, but where is Ellie?
-That's why I'm here. Ellie is in the hospital...
-What? Why?!- he was shocked.
-She fell down the stairs, when she was holding the washing basket... She hit her head pretty bad, so they're making a lot of tests...
-We're going...- he said sternly and turned on his heel to leave, but Heike stopped him -You just came back home, you should shower and change before we go there...
-Mum!? BUt...
-No Buts Sebastian! Shower and change, now! Then we go!
-Ok..- he gave up and then went upstairs to shower and change of clothes. Seb did as he's been told, as quick as possible, constantly thinking about his wife and her accident... How could that happen?!
-I'm back, let's go!- he told Heike next, jogging down the stairs.
-Seb- she stopped him once again, before he left the house -Keys...
-Give me the keys Liebling... You're in no state to drive- she inssisted and he just gave in. She was right and the only thing Seb wanted, was to be with Eliie right this second, no matter how...
Soon after that they left the house, locked it and took one of Seb's cars to the hospital.
-Papa and her parents are with her... Doctors are still running some tests...
-Is it good, or a bad thing?!
-Good. I think that means they're doing their job to assure us and her that she'll be alright..- Heike assured her son with soft smile. She would be blind not to see how much her oldest loves his wife...They're gone for each other...!

They finally made it, and quickly went to search for Norbert, Mark and Julia.
-Papa!- Seb called, spotting his father in the hallway.
-You're here- Norbert smiled and hugged his son, when they came to him.
-How is she?!
-Unconcious... Doc said that she has a concusion and the swelling must go down first before they'll try to wake her up...
-OK... Anything else?!
-No, LIebling, Ellie is fine...- they assured SEb, but it didn't help his nerves.
-Can I see her?
-Go on. She's in there..- Norbert pointed at one of the doors, with number 405. Seb didn't say anything else, came in and swiftly sat down on the chair next to her bed. Ellie was pale and had stiches on her temple, but apart from that, she looked as if she's just sleeping.
-Oh meine LIebe... What did you do...?- he sighed and took her hand in his, while playing with her her hair with the other hand. He didn't say anything else, just let himself to think about everything and nothing with somber expression on his face.
Time was passing, and then, before Seb knew it, the doctor came again.
-Guten Morgen...
-MOrgen- he replied and looked at him.
-You must be Mr Vettel. I'm Stefan ......, I'm your wifes doctor...- SEb only nodded at that and shok his hand.
-The tests came back positive. Mrs Eleanor should wake up in a bit, as the swelling went down..
-YEah, saddly, there is a but- he offered simpatic smile -Your wife suffered from big concusion, so the damage done can cause.. an Amnezia...- doctor reavieled the truth SEb dreeded ever since he found out -She can have... blanks in her memory...- he said, looking sad.
-She can not remember anything?!
-Not necessarly anythng...- doctor protested -I'd suspect events from the last 4 or so years...- .... said and continued -But it should pass with time, as the brain itself didn't suffer any damage. It'll take time, but the memory will come back...
-Ok...- Seb agreed and looking at El, he leaned down and kissed her head lovingly, still holding her hand in his.
-We'll keep her in for observation, but tomorrow she should be fit to go home...
-Alright..- Seb noded numbly, as it slowly sunk in. Ellie can not remember their marrige... Probably not even the whole relationship beyond friends! It was gut-wrenchng for SEbastian. And he said exactly that to their parents, who are as much saddned by the news as he is.
-It'll be alright Liebe... Her memory and love for you will come back, if ever lost...- Mark assured him, and then all of them gave SEb a hug. It was really hard...
As he was looking at peacfull and worry-less face, he finally felt it....
-The ring!- he remembered and looked at gold wedding band shining on the pale skin of unconcious brunette -If she might not remember it, it's better for me to take it off...- he mumbled to himslef with lump in his throat and delicately took of both rings adoring his wifes' fingers and with tiny hesistation, his own ring too, hiding them in his pocket. They'll be safe with him...
Seb sqezzed her hand and then lifted their joined hands to his lips and kissed her palm so lightly, that it reminded him of a butterfly. And then he placed them back on the matress and looked out the window for so long, that he didn't even realised that he fell asleep, while their parents returned to their homes, after he promised them to call if anything changes.

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