#89 Carlos - Birthday weekend

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IZZY POV: This weekend we're in Monza, Italy, for Ferrari's home race. It also happens that it's Carlos's 29th birthday this weekend, so we hope for the best. As always, we started the weekend with some media for media day, but both Carlos and Charles had more of it obviously, curtesy to being Ferrari drivers.
We stayed up long time, and made it to our shared room just past midnight, meaning that it's offically Carlos's birthday. When he went to the bathroom for a quick shower I prepared the surprise. It was almost nothing really, 2 glasses of champaine, a cupcake with single candle and a previously bought and wrapped gift. I even felt a bit giddy, waiting for him to emarge from the shower.
Finally, after some time, he actually returned to our room, already in pijamas.
-Mi Amor?! Que paso?
-Cumpleanos feliz...- I started to sing quietly, our room almost blackned, apart from one small lamp and lit candle.
-What is this? My birthday is tomorrow?- he was really confused.
-Feliz cumple mi Amor!- I ended and showed him time on my phone -Now make a wish and blow those candles!
-Of course- he giggled, very happy, and did as i asked -Gracias mi Amor- he added and hugged me close.
-De nada- I replied and gave him strong hug, before seperating and reaching for the gift -This is for you...
-Really? You bought me a prezent?
-Course I did! It's your birthday after all!? Now open it!- I rushed him a bit, rolling my eyes, but still waiting for his reaction.

-To you... and amazing race weekend- I added, passing him one of the glasses with champaine. Carlos didn't say anything else, just chlinged his flute with mine and then took a tiny sip, before kissing my lips.
-Te quiero...
-Yo tambien Carino..- I replied and kissed him again.
Then we talked and drank the champaine, before actually going to sleep. Birthdays are important, but so is Quali....


Q1 went rather smoothly. On his first run Carlos managed 4th, while Charles 7th, which was not too bad, as they improved on the second run, making Carlos 3rd. Q2 wasn't bad either, as they also finished in top 10, precisely securing 2 top positions, ahead of Max.
Q3 however... I thought I'd have a heart attack every passing second, as Carlos managed to get P1 on his first run, with Charles right behind him.
-It will go down to last second...
-Tell me about it...- I replied to equaly stressed Brynn, holding my fingers crossed, just like the rest of the fam.
-He'll get it, I'm telling you!- Senior was confident, watching the tv with us with headphones on his head and tight smile.
-We'll see Carino, we'll see- Reyes tried to be more resonable one, out of the two, but I saw in her eyes that she believed that as well.
And.... he did it...
-Si!!!!- we all cheered, as Carlos really got that P1, just ahead of Max and Charles, who got P2 and P3 respectfully.
-"Tell me we have it! Tell me we have it!?"
-"Yes, we have it. Good job."
-"Vamos!"- we all laughed at his excitement, very happy for him.
-Birthday weekend is working out for him just fine I see..!- Brynn said, smiling widely.
-It really does..- I agreed and soon after that we all went to parc ferme to greet our boys and celebrate Carlos's Pole... I was SO proud of him....
-You did it!!- I shouted as he hugged me close over the barier.
-I cannot believe it..!
-Happy birthday Carino!- my words only made him laugh more. My dork...

After that he went and did the interviews, photos and signed the Pole Position award. Then we could really celebrate...
We had cake, non alcoholic beer (thanks to Estrella Galicia) and lots of laughs. But it was still the race day tomorrow... Nobody knew what's gonna happen...?!


As far as I was concerned, Carlos was ready as ever to try and bring dear tifosi a podium. But he still had Max hot on his heels so nobody could predict really how it's gonna end...
-Go out there and have fun!- I told him right before he got into the car to drive to starting straight ahead of the race.
-I definitely will- he smiled, but it was kind of clipped.
-What's wrong?
-Carlitos...- I glared at him, holding his hand in mine.
-I just...
-Just what?
-I really want to get that podium... For me... and for tifosi...- my heart pained me at the vunreability and uncertanity in his eyes.
-I know. But I'm sure you'll do great! I believe in you!
-Ok...- he sighed, but smiled nevertheless. The one, small but truthfull smile he only does around family...
After that he exchanged some more words with his parents, got good luck kiss on the cheek from Mama and off he went... I REALLY hoped he's gonna get that podium...

The race was crazy right from the start and still Carlos managed to hold on to his Pole Position for almost 20 laps!! 20!!! With fricking Max Verstappen in a Red Bull on his heels!!
-He's impossible!- Senior chuckled, smiling proudly at his son.
-Papa's genes- Caco joked and we couldn't agree more...
Watching some of the fights Carlos had with Charles were teryfining and I caught myself closing my eyes on more than one ocassion.
-Don't crash, please, don't crash to each other!- I couldn't help but mumble, praying to whoever was listening to me in heaven at that moment and squezzing Brynn's hand in mine as tight as I could. What a dissaster it would be if they crashed into each other here, right in the Ferrari's home...?!

Luckly for all of us, my prayers were answered as they didn't crash into each other, and more than that, Carlos managed to get a podium!! P3 for the tifosi!!
-Si!!! Si Carlos!!- whole garage was jumping around, hugging each other and shouting in joy.
-Si mi hijo!! That's how it's done!!- but nobody was smiling as wide as Carlos Senior was at that one particullar moment...
-..."I painted the town red..."- I sang to myself as we went to Parc Ferme to congratulate him, basically skipping in my step, grinning like crazy. "My amazing boyfriend...!"
-Perfect birthday weekend if you ask me!- I giggled, hugging him close when he's done with congratulating both Max and Checo, who he's sharing the podium with.
-Gracias mi Amor...
-De nada Carino!- I replied and let him cheer with the team for the moment, before doing the interview and then podium ceremony to get his trophy. I know it's not a win like he wanted to, but I'm more than sure that it'll come too... We just need just a bit more luck and those fricking Red Bulls to slow tf down!
But a podium was a podium and nothing beats Carlos being his happy self... I love this dork so much...!!

I know it's been 3 months since Carlos's birthday, but I'm slowly getting out of the previously written One Shots, before I write something new...

And Carlos is officially 29!!

Getting a bit old now, aren't he?! hehe

I hope you still like it..

Have a nice day! / Goodnight!


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