#60 Max - Binned Quali

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KENZIE POV: It's another race weekend of 2023 F1 calendar. Max is leading the championship for 3rd season in a row, but we're still pushing forward. After 2021 we know that we cannot get too comfortable in the championship fight until it's over and owned.
During practise sessions on friday the team had some issuses in both cars, so everyone is kind of tense and on edge...
This week not only me and Jos, but also Victoria is accompanying Max to the race, so I'm not alone. Ealier in a year we planned little "get together" as we don't see each other that often during the year and I love Vicky like my own sister so I miss her constantly. Luckly we can focus only on one another and Max, as the boys stayed with Tom and Sophie at home. I love Luka and Lio like my own sons, but sometimes I want some time only with Victoria....
-Let's hope they found and fixed the issue..- Vicky said, tense and concerned, as we watched the begining of the FP3.
-Yeah. Max needs that win tomorrow, as Checo, Fernando and Ferraris are chasing him in the standings...- I bit my bottom lip in nervous manner.
-Don't do that. You know it's distracting- Max said, apearing behind me and pressing a kiss on my cheek -Wish me luck- he added and also kissed Victoria on top of her head.
-You don't need it anyway- was Vic's cheeky responce, as she stood up and hugged him close. It's amazing really, to see how they slowly find each other and the connection they had as kids, even after all those years of seperation because of Max's karting races and him being rased mostly by Jos alone. It's beautifull...

To sum it up, FP3 was a complete mess and a utter dissaster, as constantly something was wrong, and not only for Red Bull. It seemed as if everyone has some issues and no one could have smooth practise. And it meant only one thing.... Quali will be messy as hell....

Everything seemed to go rather alright, and then, with 5 minutes to go in Q1, it started...
First was Alex loosing the grip and ending up crashing almost in the wall, both Alpine's stopped on the track with heating issues, then Norris clipped the wall and wrecked the front suspension...
Q2 wasn't better, as 4 other drivers were warned about track limits multiple times, Yuki benched his car in a wall and then, when we thought nothing could be worse than this, fate proved us wrong...
Max basically flew around the track, driving on the limit as always, to snach that Pole, and then, went over the kerb hard enough to loose the balance in the car and flew across the track and then landed in the oposite wall with loud thump, bringing up the Red Flag, as we watched it all unfold in horror.
-Fuck!- Jos mumbled, bumped the table near him in anger and then left, furious, as me and Victoria exchanged glances.
-Are you alright Max?- GP asked him nervously.
-Yeah.. Just bumped all over... Sorry guys...- I felt bits of that tension go away as he spoke. The most important thing was that he's ok....
We watched how medical car drove him into the pits and medical center where they checked him over and then Chloe took him to the interviews, while me and Victoria watched the rest of the quali, knowing fully well that Max's angry and will need a few minutes to himself to calm down.

After quali we went back to the hospitality to drink something, talking about everything and nothing in sour mood. Let's hope he can recover tomorrow...
-Sorry, Mum is calling me...
-It's fine. I'm gonna go check on Max. Catch you later?
-Course- we shared smiles and then Vic picked the phone up, talking rapidly in Dutch with Sophie, while I snuck away to Max's drivers room. And the closer I got, the screams got louder...
-How could you do something like that!!? You're a DOUBLE WORLD CHAMPION MAX!! I thought I taught you better than that!! And then you go out there and wreck the car in fucking Q2!!- I could recognise this voice in my sleep...
-Yes, I know that!
-Then why on earth it keeps happening, hm?! Maybe I should remind you what that means!!?
-WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON HERE!!?- I yelled myself, as I pushed the door over with a loud bang. Max was white as sheet of paper, standing next to the wall, while Jos was Ferrari red on the face, pacing the room in clear anger.
-Leave Mackenzie. I need to talk to my son..- Jos said, his breath ragged and uneven from all that shouting.
-By shouting at him like he's a piece of shit?! Not gonna happen!- I disagreed with him, disgust evident in my voice.
-THE FUCK NO!- I shouted back, shifting my position to stand in front of Max. I know he's strong enough to defend himself, but that doesn't mean I'll chill behind and let Jos wreck him mentaly once again, feeding him vicious lies! -You're the one who's gonna leave! No one, let me repeat that, NO ONE wants you here!
-You have no say in that!
-I actually do! When it comes to Max and your screaming, I do!- I wasn't gonna stand down, even when he stood extriemly close.
-You're walking on thin ice here, Ms. Bontempo...- seeing his screaming wasn't doing anything to me, he tried calm and threthening voice. But it didn't work either..
-And do you know where the doors are? Or you need somebody to remind you?- I said in mocking tone, showing him that doesn't work either. Then I just closed my eyes and ducked a little, prepared for the incoming hit, which didn't come. Instead I only heard a smack and small huff. And when I opened my eyes, I saw Max's back, still clad in dark blue, right in front of my face.
-I think you should leave Dad. We'll talk later...
-You don't understa...
-No! YOU are the one who doesn't understand! You tried to hit MY GIRL and I won't have that!
But before I could say something, we heard another voice.
-I think you should leave Jos... Calm down...- Christian was in the room, so the argument was over. There was no way he's gonna try anything with the boss in the room...
-You're all pathetic!- was the last thing Jos spat out, before he left the room. At the same second Max saged back, as if his whole energy was in survival mode the whole time, draining him.
-MAX!- Christian and I shouted at the same time, while I held him, hugging him close.
-I'm tired...
-I know.. It was fucked up... I'll deal with it.. And you two rest. You don't have to do any media today...- Horner said and left us in the room, while Max hugged me tightly to himself, trembling.
-Everything is alright... It's over... No one is going to hurt you ever again...- I said, returning the hug.
-I thought I was over it... That we got better... And then...
-Shhh! No need to explain! I understand!- I shushed him and placed loving kiss on his forehead -You have me Max... You're safe with me...- I whispered, getting small smile in return.
-I love you...
-I love you too Maxy... So much...- I let him hug me again and then pulled him to the small couch for a bit. I knew that his knees will give out any second, so we needed just a bit of rest...

After quick nap in the drivers room Max took a shower and done not long debrief with the team and then we were dismissed. We meet with Victoria to dinner in the hotels' restaurant and then called it early night. Max desperately needed some rest, while I watched over him for some time, texting with Vicky over WhatsUp before I went to sleep myself. It was REALLY eventfull day...
I hope Jos won't disturb Max anymore...?! The only thing I know for certain is, that I'll do ANYTHING in my power to keep that man away from my Max until he promises to change! Whatever it takes...!

I had mood for some angst...
Have nice day! / Goodnight!

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